Is there any way to avoid gaining mass while on Test-E?

Just a little side note to your retarted test/nolva "cycle". Nolva is known to cause blood clots when used for long periods of time. You are gonna cycle regardless of what we say, but at least don't be a complete idiot, run an AI.
lol what! 'low rep strength' unless your a lazy ass that means 75-95% of your 1RM.. that's MASS building.. you need to be doing a Tabata circuit, sand bags or a reverse pyramid workout or High reps at no more then 60% 1RM, that's where the lean hard muscle comes from. Do the multi joint lifts as well, the more the merrier but to just do

This was really good advice, looked into tabata and it sounds perfect, thank you

Just a little side note to your retarted test/nolva "cycle". Nolva is known to cause blood clots when used for long periods of time. You are gonna cycle regardless of what we say, but at least don't be a complete idiot, run an AI.

Still haven't decided but thank you I'll keep doing research

The whole point of juicing is to gain mass

ok well if I do do decide to cycle, I'll cut to 145 then
Other Than The Fact That Its Pretty Easy To Cut Natty None....And Low Rep Strenght training Seems Counterproductive To The Goals U Mention....Low Weight High Rep Will Give Better Results With Your Goals Considered.....U Honestly Dont Thin AAS is Right For What U Are Trying To Accomplish,A Good Nutritionalist CouLD Most Likely Have U WheRe U Want To Be In Close To 6Months

^^^what he said...he's right. Even without AAS, you you lift heavy with low reps, you will end up putting slabs of muscle on.....since with strength comes mass. The two are directly related: bigger muscles are stronger. That is the whole principle behind weight training...and as your strength increases, you increase the resistance by increasing the weight to force your muscles to continually grow in order to compensate...

If you don't want mass, then stay away from AAS, and do light weights to failure.
Why are you trying to stay so light? MMA? boxing?

trying to balance functionality, aesthetics and general well-being. that's why olympic lifters came to my mind first.

though i would LOVE to take jiu jitsu and wrestling. in time. I also want to be stay light enough to wingsuit dive!
^^^what he said...he's right. Even without AAS, you you lift heavy with low reps, you will end up putting slabs of muscle on.....since with strength comes mass. The two are directly related: bigger muscles are stronger. That is the whole principle behind weight training...and as your strength increases, you increase the resistance by increasing the weight to force your muscles to continually grow in order to compensate...

If you don't want mass, then stay away from AAS, and do light weights to failure.

I've honestly been told time and again that low weight high reps resulted in larger size with less strength... do you have any sources saying the opposite?
Seriuosly Bro....If Light Weight High Rep Built Loads Of Mass U Would See All Of The Bigger Guys At The Gym Using 25Lb Dumbells And Benchin An Unweighted Bar!!! Low Weight High Reps Result In Muscle Density Rather Than SizE, Thought U Had All This Figured Out!!! U Not Get The Answers U Were Looking For Over @ Tnation?
Seriuosly Bro....If Light Weight High Rep Built Loads Of Mass U Would See All Of The Bigger Guys At The Gym Using 25Lb Dumbells And Benchin An Unweighted Bar!!! Low Weight High Reps Result In Muscle Density Rather Than SizE, Thought U Had All This Figured Out!!! U Not Get The Answers U Were Looking For Over @ Tnation?

with all due respect..

in the youtube video that I posted, kai greene (not sure if you're familiar but he is a runner up for my olympia) is curling 25lb dumbbells.. also in the link I posted last it discusses the difference between myo and sarco hypertrophy and contradicts what you jujust told me
I work with allot of guys who are prepping for Special forces courses.. this is exactly how I train them, builds a high high degree of muscle endurance, solid, hard, but streamlined muscle development that doesn't suck back the O2 when under stress..

This was really good advice, looked into tabata and it sounds perfect, thank you

Still haven't decided but thank you I'll keep doing research

ok well if I do do decide to cycle, I'll cut to 145 then
Stick with something that doesn't aromatase if you wan't to lose bodyfat whilst on, either that or use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), I tired to cut on my last Test E cycle and it was extremely hard to get to 8% even though I'd got there before naturally, the excess estrogen makes fat loss harder.

Saying that, I don't think you should be anywhere near roids, it doesn't sound like you really know what you're doing.
......he was probably doing a finishing set to get that burning pump.....unless the video (I didn't watch it, but I believe you ) followed him through his entire workout, you have nothing else to base your hypothesis on.

I am CERTAIN that you have heard of the tried and tested 5x5 workout plan.....haven't you? 5 sets ofn5 reps with 90-95% of your 1 rep max weight? THAT will build a MASSIVE muscle, with tremendous power and strength.... It just won't give you a lot of endurance in those muscles. trust me when I tell works....that is why it is tried and true. I am running that right now as part of a bulking routine, and is doing EXACTLY what I said it does....

Even so, after I have completed my " heavy sets" I drop my weight down and pump out a few sets to failure...mostly cuz I'm a sucker for punishment, but I DO love that burn that almost makes you wanna puke :)
Kai Greene Employs Both Types Of HypertrOphy, In The Majority Of His Videoes He DemonstrateS Proper Form And Varying Techniques To Fully Contract The Muscle Through A Full Range Of Motion(Arcing Motions Etc) If U Really Think His Physique Was Built USing Only Lighter Weights U Are Sadly Mistaken!! I Fully Understand The Difference Between Myo And Sarco Hypertrophies And The Reasons To Use Both In A Proper Training Program.....The Problem Is That U Apparently Do Not But Wish To Argue Based On Youtube Videos!!!
Kai green is one of those idiots who likes to make himself look like a fucking philosopher. All those videos he does are just for show.
Listen, he just wants to argue the fact that you don't have to have a low rep range to gain mass.... You can gain strength either way. High rep, or low rep range... Obviously you're going to gain quicker if you keep it in a low rep range but! You'll still get stronger if you rep range is higher. I know from experience. He's just annoying the shit out of me, saying, 'prove the facts'... STFU!