Is there anywhere to get ephedrine from still?


New member
any online sites still selling it at all? Just found a strip of 50mg boys sitting around, been taking them for the last week. Forgot how good they worked for cutting, exspecially apetite supressant and energy. Hopefully you guys can help me out.
do a google search for "effedrine HCL"... its definatly the real deal, i wouldnt go over 75mgs/day
Ya, for the last week I have been taking 50mg of hcl 2x a day. In one week I lost that last bit of fat from my bottom 2 abs..........been trying to get rid of that for over a month. I love the stuff.

1fast400 has vasopro real cheap................anybody ever order from them in Canada? Do canadian customs sieze ephedrine hcl if they manage to find it?
not that i know of...i didnt get my package siezed...i think they claim degongestant on the papers for customs...
Mudge said:
The expectorant Guaifenesin (200mg) is listed...

That's it. I saw, on another board, an explanation of why that ingredient is not desirable for weight lifters who are trying to lean out on ephedrine, but for the life of me I can't remember what that reason was.
Mudge said:
The expectorant Guaifenesin (200mg) is listed...

Guaifenesin is the stuff my Dr. gives me when I have a upper respitory cold to break up all the phelm to help cough to out easier.