I've used deca before, and I know how powerful it is. If I used a full 12wks of it with test, I'd be much bigger than I wanted. I'm trying to tailor this in such a way that I can run a short cycle, with gains of about 15-20lbs...my goal weight is 200-210lbs with around 8%BF.
I'll go in and edit the test dosages to all run about the same throughout the cycle in my previous reply. And I've read that Clomid is the same as Nolva...
And here's another point I'd like to make...I've read extensively over the past few months on how to tailor a cycle and there is a lot of conflicting information on the internet. Even on this forum, for example, I've read posts that say you don't need to run SERMs, only AIs need to be run for PCT because SERMs are generally the same thing and useless. And in another post, someone was informing a person that AIs were not necessary to use during or post cycle unless they were experiencing signs of gyno. Reading can only get one so far in the development of a cycle. The information and experience that you guys have is far greater than any article, book, or webpage dedicated to the subject. You guys may not realize it, but there is good reason why people come to you with these questions.