Is this a good cycle/PCT?

6wk cycle:

Sust250 at 400mg/wk for 6wks
Deca at 100mg/wk for 4wks

Females run higher amounts of Deca then that.. thats not even enough for joint support,, heck you can cruise on 250mg of deca for a year, just for some joint support,, your not going to accomplish crap with 100 mg.

If you want to run a short cycle-- and you want deca and test as your compounds. I suggest this.

Test Propianate - 150 mg - eod - for 8 weeks
NPP (fast acting deca) - 100 mg - eod - for 8 weeks
I honestly don't see it as a far stretch...I gained 25lbs lean mass on prohormones in the past on a 1 month cycle, and a legit cycle should be far more potent.

I agree, a legit cycle will be potent (if diet and training are spot on).. BUT***8230; your cycle is FAR FROM LEGIT (I'm guessing by week 10, you'll have lost muscle mass and strength,, not gains whatsoever)
How does this look?
I've used deca before when I was younger, and I gained 50lbs (deca only cycle, I'm a little embarrassed to admit)...lean and fat. I want to avoid getting too big at once...I know that seems backwards and laughable to some of you, but my goals don't include being the biggest dude in the gym. I consciously want a short cycle for that reason, and to not be too rough on my body. I don't foresee gaining 15-20lbs being any legitimate problem at all with the test and deca mixed in...I honestly think I could easily achieve that with a month long cycle of prohormones because of my previous experience with them, but those are a lot rougher on the body.

Anyway, let me know what you think and please offer suggestions instead of claiming my IQ is low. I'm humbly seeking advice and information from experienced cycle users. Remember, you guys didn't know everything either when you first started...

Wk1 200mg 300mg .25mgEOD

WK2 200mg 300mg .25mg

WK3 200mg 300mg .25mg

WK4 200mg 300mg .25 OR .5mg (Depending on how my body is reacting)

WK5 200mg 325mg .25/.5mg

WK6 200mg 325mg .25/.5mg

WK7 0mg 325mg .25/.5mg

WK8 0mg 325mg .25/.5mg


WK9 .25/.5mg EOD 40mg EOD

WK10 .25/.5mg 40mg

WK11 .25mg 20mg

WK12 .25mg 20mg
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The DECA still seems low. The test dosage is fine but double the DECA dosage all the way through. Run the same doses from the beginning. No point in starting low and then upping the dose with these long esters. Please do at least 12 weeks. You wont get results from the deca as it needs a long time to kick in. Then stop the deca 2 weeks before the test. Dont do 8 weeks only, you will not like the results. The nolva do 40 first 2 weeks, then 20 last two. Get Clomid to help you recover alongside the nolva. You should look into hcg also. It is usually cheap. If you don't have enough gear save it for when you get more.

We are not trying to offend we just expect people to research things before asking. Many threads about similar cycles have been posted.
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How does this look?
I've used deca before when I was younger, and I gained 50lbs (deca only cycle, I'm a little embarrassed to admit)...lean and fat. I want to avoid getting too big at once...I know that seems backwards and laughable to some of you, but my goals don't include being the biggest dude in the gym. I consciously want a short cycle for that reason, and to not be too rough on my body. I don't foresee gaining 15-20lbs being any legitimate problem at all with the test and deca mixed in...I honestly think I could easily achieve that with a month long cycle of prohormones because of my previous experience with them, but those are a lot rougher on the body.

Anyway, let me know what you think and please offer suggestions instead of claiming my IQ is low. I'm humbly seeking advice and information from experienced cycle users. Remember, you guys didn't know everything either when you first started...

Wk1 200mg 100mg .25mgEOD

WK2 200mg 100mg .25mg

WK3 200mg 400mg .25mg

WK4 200mg 400mg .25 OR .5mg (Depending on how my body is reacting)

WK5 200mg 400mg .25/.5mg

WK6 200mg 400mg .25/.5mg

WK7 0mg 350mg .25/.5mg

WK8 0mg 350mg .25/.5mg


WK9 .25/.5mg EOD 40mg EOD

WK10 .25/.5mg 40mg

WK11 .25mg 20mg

WK12 .25mg 20mg

Where did the 50 lbs go from that cycle? Also you said you gained 25 lbs from a pro hormone . 25+50=75 lbs. 180-75= 105 so you basically started taking stuff when you were a stick! Your numbers are not believable at all. I'm confused how you put on what you say is 75 lbs and only weigh 180lbs.
How does this look?
I've used deca before when I was younger, and I gained 50lbs (deca only cycle, I'm a little embarrassed to admit)...lean and fat. I want to avoid getting too big at once...I know that seems backwards and laughable to some of you, but my goals don't include being the biggest dude in the gym. I consciously want a short cycle for that reason, and to not be too rough on my body. I don't foresee gaining 15-20lbs being any legitimate problem at all with the test and deca mixed in...I honestly think I could easily achieve that with a month long cycle of prohormones because of my previous experience with them, but those are a lot rougher on the body.

Anyway, let me know what you think and please offer suggestions instead of claiming my IQ is low. I'm humbly seeking advice and information from experienced cycle users. Remember, you guys didn't know everything either when you first started...

Wk1 200mg 100mg .25mgEOD

WK2 200mg 100mg .25mg

WK3 200mg 400mg .25mg

WK4 200mg 400mg .25 OR .5mg (Depending on how my body is reacting)

WK5 200mg 400mg .25/.5mg

WK6 200mg 400mg .25/.5mg

WK7 0mg 350mg .25/.5mg

WK8 0mg 350mg .25/.5mg


WK9 .25/.5mg EOD 40mg EOD

WK10 .25/.5mg 40mg

WK11 .25mg 20mg

WK12 .25mg 20mg

You still got it all wrong. Literally everything is all wrong. We can't help you until you help yourself. Please read the link!
Where did the 50 lbs go from that cycle? Also you said you gained 25 lbs from a pro hormone . 25+50=75 lbs. 180-75= 105 so you basically started taking stuff when you were a stick! Your numbers are not believable at all. I'm confused how you put on what you say is 75 lbs and only weigh 180lbs.

Lol just read the 50lbs part. This guy is crazy or lying.
I honestly don't see it as a far stretch...I gained 25lbs lean mass on prohormones in the past on a 1 month cycle, and a legit cycle should be far more potent.

That wasn't 25lbs of lean mass homey. Please listen to the guys, it sounds like you have a limited amount of AAS to work with and want to half ass it for some reason. Do it right, or don't do it at all.

FYI: one cycle at 12 weeks won't make you the biggest guy in the gym by a long shot. It takes YEARS of training and diet with multiple cycles to achieve that. You won't blow up to super human proportions unless you stay consistently living that lifestyle and are able to put 10,000 kcals to work every day.

My .02c :)
I've used deca before, and I know how powerful it is. If I used a full 12wks of it with test, I'd be much bigger than I wanted. I'm trying to tailor this in such a way that I can run a short cycle, with gains of about goal weight is 200-210lbs with around 8%BF.

I'll go in and edit the test dosages to all run about the same throughout the cycle in my previous reply. And I've read that Clomid is the same as Nolva...

And here's another point I'd like to make...I've read extensively over the past few months on how to tailor a cycle and there is a lot of conflicting information on the internet. Even on this forum, for example, I've read posts that say you don't need to run SERMs, only AIs need to be run for PCT because SERMs are generally the same thing and useless. And in another post, someone was informing a person that AIs were not necessary to use during or post cycle unless they were experiencing signs of gyno. Reading can only get one so far in the development of a cycle. The information and experience that you guys have is far greater than any article, book, or webpage dedicated to the subject. You guys may not realize it, but there is good reason why people come to you with these questions.

As to the 50lbs from the deca cycle, I went to college shortly after...I went from 200lbs down to 130lbs because of diet and lack of training (I was poor, eating once a day, and my time was spent either in the classroom or at my shitty Part-Time minimum wage job). After college, I got back up to 150lbs naturally with diet and solid training and then used a cycle of prohormones, which brought me up to 175. I've been training and fine tuning my diet, and have reached 180 with 9%BF. I'm a slow gainer without any supplements, and a fast gainer with enhancing supps, which is why I fear getting too big on a cycle of 12wks of deca. My goal weight is 200-210lbs, and then maintain. I don't have ambitions to compete at the Arnold Classic (which cracked me up by the way).
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I've used deca before, and I know how powerful it is. If I used a full 12wks of it with test, I'd be much bigger than I wanted. I'm trying to tailor this in such a way that I can run a short cycle, with gains of about goal weight is 200-210lbs with around 8%BF.

I'll go in and edit the test dosages to all run about the same throughout the cycle in my previous reply. And I've read that Clomid is the same as Nolva...

And here's another point I'd like to make...I've read extensively over the past few months on how to tailor a cycle and there is a lot of conflicting information on the internet. Even on this forum, for example, I've read posts that say you don't need to run SERMs, only AIs need to be run for PCT because SERMs are generally the same thing and useless. And in another post, someone was informing a person that AIs were not necessary to use during or post cycle unless they were experiencing signs of gyno. Reading can only get one so far in the development of a cycle. The information and experience that you guys have is far greater than any article, book, or webpage dedicated to the subject. You guys may not realize it, but there is good reason why people come to you with these questions.

No one here has said that. Where in the stickies that people keep telling you to read does it say that you need and A.I. for pct and not a SERM? You are also lying about gaining 50 pounds from one DECA cycle. Get real dude no one gains 50 from one cycle of anything. Look bud everyone here is giving you good and relevant info. For the last time your cycle sucks. There is no two ways of saying it. Run the cycle and enjoy the crappy results, I mean 50 pounds of lean mass you'll put on. Also how in the hell are you 6'1" and claim that at one point you weighed 130. How is that even possible? Anyways I don't think this is for you because if you let yourself get that severely underweight then gear is not the answer nutrition is.
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Back to basics OP. Sorry but you are in left field. As was said you didn't gain 25lbs of LMM.

Within the norms a man cannot gain more than about 15lbs of LMM in a year. ... I say Lean Muscle Mass

PS: if you could gain those pounds of LMM in that time, how big would the pros be after 15 years.
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Fitnessbro,, sounds like you've read some conflicting things, maybe you read a few of them out of context.. I don't think any educated person on here would say not to run an AI (maybe they said that in regards to pct, not to run an AI just nolvadex and clomid),, nor would anyone say to run an AI for your pct and not nova/clomid (that makes no sense).

I would just keep things simple and stick to the basics

Weeks 1-12 - 500 mg test c or e
Run an AI duration of cycle either arimidex at .25 mg eod or aromasin at 12.5 mg ed
Run hcg duration of cycle 500 iu weekly
Pct - two weeks after your last pin run nolvadex AND clomid for 4 weeks

Eat clean, bulk clean, train with high intensity,, start burning some fat and gaining some muscle.
It's that simple
No one here has said that. Where in the stickies that people keep telling you to read does it say that you need and A.I. for pct and not a SERM?
On Steroidology, there's a few posts. Not in this exact forum.

Not lying about the 50lbs. But I'd like to point out that it wasn't lean mass, it was both lean and stated in my first post on the subject.

Not a big deal, but I'm 6' even. I didn't want to be at 130, but that's where I got pursuing my education goals and being poor.

Moving on, I don't want to gain 50lbs. I'm sure I've made this clear, 15-20lbs is my goal.

I'm not meaning to argue, and hope it's not coming across as such. I'm trying to form a well-rounded cycle tailored for my goals and growth type. As you can see, I'm trying to take in everything everyone is saying, and my cycle has changed already 3-4 times with the advice given. I'll be adding clomid with the nolva as well.
Fitnessbro,, sounds like you've read some conflicting things, maybe you read a few of them out of context.. I don't think any educated person on here would say not to run an AI (maybe they said that in regards to pct, not to run an AI just nolvadex and clomid),, nor would anyone say to run an AI for your pct and not nova/clomid (that makes no sense).

I would just keep things simple and stick to the basics

Weeks 1-12 - 500 mg test c or e
Run an AI duration of cycle either arimidex at .25 mg eod or aromasin at 12.5 mg ed
Run hcg duration of cycle 500 iu weekly
Pct - two weeks after your last pin run nolvadex AND clomid for 4 weeks

Eat clean, bulk clean, train with high intensity,, start burning some fat and gaining some muscle.
It's that simple

Thanks man, much appreciated.
Back to basics OP. Sorry but you are in left field. As was said you didn't gain 25lbs of LMM.

Within the norms a man cannot gain more than about 15lbs of LMM in a year. ... I say Lean Muscle Mass

PS: if you could gain those pounds of LMM in that time, how big would the pros be after 15 years.

I don't know what else it could be if my BF% stayed the same throughout. If I gained weight that stayed, and it wasn't fat...what would it have been? I assumed I gained so fast because of muscle memory, since I had been 200lbs in the past.