Is this enough gear for a cycle?


New member
This is what I have:

2,000mg Test prob @ 100mg ML.
300 pills of D-bol @ 10mg pill

My stats:
8-9% BF
23 yrs old

Can someone help me put together a cycle with what I've got? I've got post cycle therapy (pct) ready so thats not a problem. I don't have access to any more gear than what I got.
do you have a cycle history?

Well if your a moderate user i would do something like this

5 week Program
Test Prop 1 cc every monday wednesday friday sunday
Dbol dosage depends on experience but 5 pills a day would be good
if you have prop i believe you want to go 8 weeks on at least. you dont need to use dbol for this if it is your first cycle, in fact you would do best to leave it out. also i believe you could probably gain 20 more pounds naturally, but that is often doled out usually ignored advice so i will leave it at that.
i hope you have clomid and nolvadex for your post cycle therapy (pct) at least. good luck with your cycle!
You could run a good short (blitz) cycle. The last cycle I did before my current one was test prop and dbol. The only difference was that I went through almost 5 grams of test prop.

If you have some cycle experience you can combine the prop with dbol. If you inject 100mg of prop eod, that will last you about 5 weeks. You have 300 tabs of dbol, which is more than will have some left over.

You could run something like:
weeks 1-5: 100mg test prop EOD
weeks 1-5: 30-50mg dbol ED

I ran 600mg weekly of test prop (150mg injected 4x weekly) for five weeks. I ran 50mg daily dbol for the first two weeks with it, but had to stop because of the side effects. I gained 17 pounds in about 5 weeks off of just this simple cycle.

Best of luck bro.
nice to hear those results lookin' .. i didnt know you could run prop for that short amount of time and see good results.
since prop is so short acting you can use it for short periods and get results...personally I dont think short cycles are ideal, but 100mg prop eod till it runs out is a decent idea...with the dbol I would start at 20mg a day and bump it up to 30mg after a week or two
So would this cycle work good with what I got?

250mg prop a week for 8 weeks

20 mg d-bol a week for 4 weeks
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