Is this guy serious???


MuscleSecret1 month ago

@Muhammad Harith - I don't fully understand what you mean by "Oh shit, I just realized this isn't dbol" Are you referring to Dbal Pills by Crazybulk? If so, then you are WRONG. Dbal is a legal alternative to the raw dianabol. The good news is that you get 100% effectiveness and muscle growth of controlled dbol with much less side effects

yeah.. young liberace here is pumping a supplement

goofy little scumbag, bleeding a bunch of kids and newbs

" i just knew my testosterone was high! "
Good morning men. I have 3 brand new boxes of Testim. Factory sealed. 30 tubes per box. Would like to sell one or all. Thanks.


I've got a wicked man bush

way past due for my spring shear ing

trade you my blonde viking pubes for your testim if you promise to punch yourself in the face for half an hour
For show of good faith beings how I don't know you, send me a box. If they pass my inspection, we can haggle on a price for said tubes
I'm not sure if he is really serious or just being silly.

Also not sure if he is taking actual d-Bol or if it's a prohormone.
Either way I'm sure this guy is now shut down with probably a wet noodle for a strudel.

What do you guys think?

I think that it should be animal abuse taking money from folks stupid enough to believe such a retarded sales pitch. I love how the three pics he shows of his "gains" while on are of different people lol.

I do wonder if he got a cramp from flexing his traps that long. :laugh:
I've recently learned about a practice for the abdominals called " the vacuum"

the counterpart for trapezius muscles is called , i believe, the "pretentious asshole"
I would like him to make a 1-2 month post cycle video and see if he is as happy now after he lost all his gains

Although he did seem to have some knowledge of nutrition
Omg guys? K guys, guys listen to this exciting thing guys. Man, guys this is the real deal guys... Fuck he was annyoing