Is Tren Worth it????


Gettin Swole
I have heard about so many different sides related to tren i.e. Fina Cough, Fina Dick, Fina Flu, Fina Male pattern baldness, Fina zits, and the fucking list goes on and on. I made a batch of this shit and I was wondering if you guys think it would be worth it to add it to the sustanon that Im already taking. I was thinking about adding it at week 4 to the 750mg of sust that Im taking.
Try it, you might like it. Personally I dont, but others swear by it. I'll stick to my Test/EQ/D-bol cycles!
I have heard great things about it, BUT...I won't jab myself with any homemade product, fuck that!

Any of the heavy androgens like fina can cause all the sides you stated about. Basically it depends on the person though. If you are predisposed to hairloss, then fina and other androgens can accelerate it because there is an increase in DHT. Taking Saw Palmetto can help combat baldness and an enlarged prostate. Basically a rule of thumb is, if you had acne problems during puberty then androgens can bring it back during your cycle.
I second what Lawnsaver said. You will never know how it affects you until you try it. Just start at a reasonable dose, and stop if you start having problems.
Do not forget it is extremely liver toxic. It puts me in an awful mood, my girlfriend told me she will dump me if I take it again
XXXX said:
Do not forget it is extremely liver toxic. It puts me in an awful mood, my girlfriend told me she will dump me if I take it again

Fina is not toxic to your liver. There's questions about the Kidney toxicity, but even that has not been proven.

Fina is Great IMO. A cheap, better version of Winstrol.
Use it. I love tren, would live off the stuff if I could.....yes, tren and prop forever...

I would be a great addition to your Sustanon (sust), I highly encourage you to try it.
I like tren. Go ahead and try it. See how you react to it. I don't get any of the nasty sides you described. If you are running test with your tren you shouldn't have to worry about "tren dick". I get a little hair loss but not bad (I'm far from bald). The only side I got was the cough on a few occasions which passes quickly.
i love Tren....
75mg/100mg/50mg....Tren/Prop/ best for me.
i do agree with everyone....try it to see how your body reacts.

for me, i got strong and far as sides go...never had Fina dick,
the occassional Fina cough, i get some sort of wierd pleasure
the side i dislike the most are Fina Sweats.....

but for me...the end justifies the means!
god bless
i wish i could use it. i have a bottle and 1/2 and i can;t use ut cause even with the lowest dosages i get that damn gyno shit, and NO, arimdex and nolva won;t stop it, nor winny.
bloatboy35 said:
i wish i could use it. i have a bottle and 1/2 and i can;t use ut cause even with the lowest dosages i get that damn gyno shit, and NO, arimdex and nolva won;t stop it, nor Winstrol (winny).

ship it to my house!

Tren Boy
15 Fina Sweats Blvd.
Acetate, NY ou812

:D :D :D
XXXX said:
Do not forget it is extremely liver toxic. It puts me in an awful mood, my girlfriend told me she will dump me if I take it again
when has it ever been shown to be liver toxic?:confused:
Swoleburn said:
I have heard about so many different sides related to tren i.e. Fina Cough, Fina Dick, Fina Flu, Fina Male pattern baldness, Fina zits, and the fucking list goes on and on. I made a batch of this shit and I was wondering if you guys think it would be worth it to add it to the sustanon that Im already taking. I was thinking about adding it at week 4 to the 750mg of sust that Im taking.

NO NO NO and NO....DO NOT TAKE IT....since you made my not actually be tren....send it to me and I'll "test" it for you :D ;) don't want to have bad stuff in you.

hehe, j/k bro....I'd say go for it...It's a great mentioned above, the only way you'll know it's for you is if you take it and find out what sides you are subject to.
BUFFDAWG10 said:
I think Tren is very good, you have to be able to put up with the mood swings though.
listen here asshole im not gonna tell you again I DONT HAVE ANY DAMN MOOD SWINGS :D