Itchy nips after stopping clomid? What do I do!


New member
Hi guys stopped clomid about 4 days ago about 3 days in my sack sucked up into my body lost libido and nipps got puffy and itchy should I start an ai, ralox or just take the nolva I have on hand?

I stopped the clomid so I could get bloods but I don't think I can when I gotta deal with gyno
Are you sure it's not just in your head? Clomid has a long half life (5-7 days.)

You could run nolva or ralox for now, but get you need to get a blood panel done. See where e2 is at (amongst everything else.) Once you have that you can begin dosing an AI of your choice, wait a few weeks, get bloods again and see how well your controlling it. Once e2 is in range and you can keep it there you won't need the ralox/nolva anymore.
Are you sure it's not just in your head? Clomid has a long half life (5-7 days.)

You could run nolva or ralox for now, but get you need to get a blood panel done. See where e2 is at (amongst everything else.) Once you have that you can begin dosing an AI of your choice, wait a few weeks, get bloods again and see how well your controlling it. Once e2 is in range and you can keep it there you won't need the ralox/nolva anymore.

Well I was taking the clomid eod so I don't know if that had something to do with it or not. I could not hold out so I took some nolva today 20mg last night and the itching was still there today so I moved up to 40mg I assume its unbalanced hormones but I agree we will not know intill I get bloods done but its kind of hard to get bloods done when im using nolva which will screw everything up. If I stop the nolva will I have a estrogen rebound?
Hang on, forgot you were off cycle. My mistake. You should have got the bloods done BEFORE starting any SERM. Considering you still have clomid in your system though, your numbers are going to be skewed anyhow.
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