I've been on Dbol for over four years now

I'm not recommending that anyone do what I've done. Just saying it seems to be working for me. I had really gained a lot of weight...I was up to 276lbs about 4 years ago at 5'8". About equal parts muscle and fat...(If I'm being honest...probably more fat! Lol!) Was finishing up a cycle of Test and Dbol. Decided to start getting serious about my diet. I decided to stay on the Dbol while I was dieting...Just never got off of it. Now I weigh 175lbs. Kept a good bit of muscle size. At 375lbs on bench. I just came on here to share my experience. I'm not saying anyone else should do it.

Ok, going back to my first reaction. You were taking fake (or very underdosed) dbol. What AI and dose were you running? Test base, or JUST dbol?

Sorry man, I really love giving folks the benefits of a doubt, but some "cramping" is not in the same ball park as the pumps you can get from dbol (ESPECIALLY if your E2 isn't managed).

To put this in perspective, you can expect liver failure from taking TYLENOL for long periods of time, such as over a year in some cases. (I had an AST/ALT in the 400's myself. Under 40 is considered good) Dianabol is just as, if not more so toxic. Can you get by if you have ridiculous genetics? Sure. But is it more likely that you have just been taking tic tacs? You betcha. :)
Last cycle was about 4 years ago. Testosterone Enanthate 250, shot twice a week (Mondays and Thursdays) with 50mg of Dbol per day for 12 weeks...Then just stayed on the Dbol. I tried coming off of the Dbol about 2 years ago...But strength started dropping fast...So I got back on about a month later.
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I respect your opinion Halfwit...I just have a hard time believing this stuff is fake. All of my friends order from the same place and they've all gotten great results from the gear they've gotten. Also...I'm a hundred pounds lighter, and still benching the same weight I was benching a hundred pounds heavier.
Last cycle was about 4 years ago. Testosterone Enanthate 250, shot twice a week (Mondays and Thursdays) with 50mg of Dbol per day for 12 weeks...Then just stayed on the Dbol. I tried coming off of the Dbol about 2 years ago...But weight and strength started dropping fast...So I got back on about a month later.

So you intentionally have been chemically castrating yourself? On the bright side, you can easily prove to yourself after all these years if it's a miracle that you're still functioning, or if indeed it has just been diet and exercise.

While on dbol (or any AAS), your body stops producing testosterone. After four years of this, you will have a testosterone of ZERO. A 50 dollar lab test will tell you far more than I can. If it comes back with a test level above zero, tic tacs for four years worked great!

If indeed zero, I hope you realize what you've done to your body is likely irreversible at this point, and you will need the assistance of a physician to get onto hormone replacement as your pituitary is probably down for the count.

(at least you could thank your lucky stars you didn't grow boobies, and if your dick still works - be thankful. )
I'll admit I have had some erectile problems and my nuts have been the size of raisins for years. I've been using Viagra to help with that for the last year and a half. But Diabetes can cause erectile dysfunction as well. Wasn't sure if it was Diabetes or Dbol causing my "shooting pool with a rope" problem.
I'm not at the house right now. When I get home, I'll post my results. Not sure if hormones were part of this last blood work.
What is that test called that checks your testosterone levels?
Testosterone, total. Sometimes they'll put "Testosterone, total and free" if the ordering physician asked for both. LH and FSH as well as estradiol are good ones to see if they're on there.
Ok...Thanks buddy. I'll post my blood work later today and I'll check in to getting the testosterone checked. I appreciate your input.
Understand we get some real "winners" come thru time to time. You seem to be wanting some direction tho. Good to see. Ur serious. Are you planning to look at TRT options??
I am going to have my testosterone levels checked. I just wanted some opinions on the long term Dbol use. I've checked on lots of boards over the years and I've never come across anyone staying on Dbol year round (Other than the stories of Arnold doing it). I'm just wondering if my Dbol is real..And my natural testosterone really has shut down...Is the Dbol the only thing keeping me going?
I'm pretty dang sure it's legit. The first few weeks I was on it, I got bad back spasms, calf cramps, and sore nipples. Got on Nolvadex and started eating tons of bananas for potassium. I still get them occasionally...But not bad enough that I've stopped the Dbol.