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How do I set a profile picture? I can't figure it out on my phone? Do I need to be on an actual computer?
I'm not recommending that anyone do what I've done. Just saying it seems to be working for me. I had really gained a lot of weight...I was up to 276lbs about 4 years ago at 5'8". About equal parts muscle and fat...(If I'm being honest...probably more fat! Lol!) Was finishing up a cycle of Test and Dbol. Decided to start getting serious about my diet. I decided to stay on the Dbol while I was dieting...Just never got off of it. Now I weigh 175lbs. Kept a good bit of muscle size. At 375lbs on bench. I just came on here to share my experience. I'm not saying anyone else should do it.
Last cycle was about 4 years ago. Testosterone Enanthate 250, shot twice a week (Mondays and Thursdays) with 50mg of Dbol per day for 12 weeks...Then just stayed on the Dbol. I tried coming off of the Dbol about 2 years ago...But weight and strength started dropping fast...So I got back on about a month later.
Also...To be honest...I have no idea what would happen to my system if I got off of it now.
Testosterone, total. Sometimes they'll put "Testosterone, total and free" if the ordering physician asked for both. LH and FSH as well as estradiol are good ones to see if they're on there.What is that test called that checks your testosterone levels?
Keep us updated.Ok...Thanks buddy. I'll post my blood work later today and I'll check in to getting the testosterone checked. I appreciate your input.