Jacked's First Cycle.


New member
Age: 31
Training Since: Age 17
Height: 6'3"
Weight: Started at 204, currently at 216 10 days in. :)
History: Dabbled in pro hormones in 2001-2003, been all over the place, 236lbs and fat, 192 and bone dry shredded. High volume, low volume, HIT, olympic training, powerlifting, etc etc.
Personality: All in type. I tend to get program hoppy though and need to just stick to it.
Genetics: I graduated high school at 151 lbs and a 28" waist. Yeah, retarded skinny. No natural strength, but a decent frame for lean muscle gains plus I have 14 years under the belt...so muscle maturity and my golden 30's is on my side. Plus Sustanon. :wiggle:

Will post some pics tomorrow of current and past shape.

I started with 1ml/300mg Sustanon on Wednesday, Nov 23, the day before thanksgiving.

First pin was 1ml in my left delt. Ouch! Days after it was swollen and hella painful. But it went down thankfully and ever since, I've been pinning every 3rd day at 3/4ml, 225mg. So that is 525mg a week. Pinning in the delts only with 1" 23G pins so far. Don't want to try quads, and I doubt 1" is enough for glutes on me. Delts are a weak point on me, so even if it's only 'slightly' better to spot inject them, I'll do it. Plus I got allergy shots for 15 years and am oblivious to the pain of shots in that area.

Here's the thing, I have (8) 1ml amps of Paddock Labs Cypionate @ 200mg/ml and will use this for weeks 9-12 once I do the first 8 weeks of the Sustanon (8-9 weeks worth).

Weeks 1-8 Sustanon 225mg E3D
Weeks 9-12: Cypionate 200mg 2x per week
Have Clomid and Arimidex on hand. Started Adex at .5mg EOD 4 days ago. I am a bit bloated. Ick.
Might order some liquid Nolvadex from one of our sponsors so I can do that and Clomid (capsule form) for PCT.

GOAL: I've been 220 and solid naturally with 18.5" flexed arms and a 33" waist. So I know I have it in me to be beast mode and 240+ in the 12% range. At the rate I've been gaining, I'll hit 240 easily on this cycle.

I really notice the effects of it kicking in three days ago. Training arms I was so pumped my arms hurt first exercise in. Plus the massive weight gain, few more pimples on the face, and my libido (usually high) is super high now.

Weeks 2-12 should be golden. Off we go!
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Hit Back and Traps tonight.

CG Pulldown (warming up, 140 felt like 100 and 180 felt like 140) Knew it'd be a good session. 140x12, 180x10, 230x9, 230x9

BB Yates Row (low back is a bit stiff so I kept these stricter than normal)
185x10, 205x10, 225x10, 225x9

BW Medium Width Chin
10 reps, 12 reps, 10 reps

DB One-Arm Kroc Row (high reps quick db rows)
100x20 right first, rest a minute, then 100x20 left side

BB Shrug
225x12, 275x10, 315x10

DB Shrug
90'sx12 (3 sets)

Power walked on treadmill for 15 minutes post lifting. Just over a mile covered.
First photo was 3 years ago at 215.
Second and Third photos were 2 months ago at 192.
Last two are this morning.
^Thanks fellas, glad to have you along! :)

Today's lifts, Shoulders

I really wanted to split up my usual chest/shoulders to focus more on each bp as well as my injecting this morning so I figured getting some quick blood into the delts would help.

1) DB Seated Overhead Press 65'sx10, 80'sx8, 90'sx5 Recent PR, 70'sx11

2) Plate side raise 25'sx12, 35'sx10, 35'sx10 drop to 25'sx12

3) Rope face pull 80x12, 100x12, 120x12

4) Standing bb overhead press 95x10, 95x10, 95x10

Crazy pump!
amazing progess!

Thank you! :)

Leg Day

Weight: 219.8 (gym shorts/tee/shoes)
Time of Day: 530pm

Warmed up 8 min on treadmill walking, then some light low back extensions, bw squats, light stretching. Decided to do leg curls to get some further blood down there before doing my deep squatting.

1) Lying leg curl
70x12, 90x12, 110x12, 130x7.5

2) High bar deep back squat
185x12, 225x10, 225x10, 235x8

3) Seated calf raise
90x15, 135x15, 135x15, 135x15

4) Single leg extension
50x15, 70x15 normal rep speed, 70x15 slow rep speed with peak contraction (ahh the burn)

5) DB romanian deadlift
70'sx12, 75'sx12, 80'sx12

did 10 minute walk cool down.
Overall: good session, squats still bother my hip flexors on upper front of my thighs. partially cause how deep i squat. need to foam roll more.
Chest and Back

1) BB row (decided to start training back and chest together, even though I just did back 4 days ago, so I played it somewhat civil on the bb rows).
185x10, 205x10, 225x10, 225x10

2) BB Incline Press
185x10, 205x8, 215x6, 225x4(+2), 165x11

3) CG Cable Row
200x10, 250x10, 250x10

4) DB Incline Press
70'sx12, 90'sx8, 95'sx7, 70'sx12

5) Chins 2 sets of 8 and then 11

6) BW Dips 2 sets of 15

Pump was atrocious in my forearms. The bw movements were killing me at the end, so I played them easy and rolled out.

Hanging in at 220ish clothed.

Weight: 223.6 Can you say gained 19 lbs in 15 days? I can. :D

1) DB alternating seated curl
40'sx12, 55'sx12, 65'sx9, 65'sx10 PR

2) Lying ez bar extension
75x12, 95x10, 115x8, 115x9 PR

3) EZ bar curl
75x12, 95x10, 115x10, 125x10 PR

4) V-bar pushdown (on outside bodymasters heavy stack)
80x10, 100x9, 100x8 both PR's

5) BB reverse curl
70x12, 80x12, 80x12

6) Seated overhead 1-db extension (went light because I couldn't locate a braced bench)
75x12 (3 sets)

7) Quick reps on standing alternate db hammer curls
50'sx20 PR :D

Strength is feeling soliddddd

1) Rope face pull warm-up 70x15, 70x15
2) BB shrug 225x12, 275x12, 315x12, 365x10, 365x8, 225x28
3) DB side raise 25'sx12, 30'sx10, 35'sx8/30'sx5, 30'sx10 drop to 25's/20's/15's
4) Rope face pull 100x12, 120x12, 120x16
5) DB seated overhead press 45'sx12, 65'sx10, 75'sx10

Quick and out. Arms sore as fuak from yesterday. Did my 2nd pin on my own today, still tough to do and I get nervous haha. Most the time I have my roomie do it. Still alternating delts and E3D. Working marvelous so far.
damn yours in super shape already..nice and lean :)

Thanks man, feels good to be up to 224 today and not being too watery like I was. Guess the Adex is helping and my body is getting used to the new higher hormone levels.

Are you using straps for the shrugs or is your grip just that strong? Nice starting physique btw.

I used straps but I could do them bare handed. Long fingers help. In fact in my deadlift days, I hook gripped 500 lbs without it slipping, no chalk and no gloves/straps. Just bare handed.

Glad to have ya in here!
Leg day from hell.

Went on dat dere high rep, HIT business today. PAinnnnnnnnn

1) Leg curl 120x11+4 partials, 120x7+3 partials
2) BB back squat 225x15 (hip flexors hurting like hell lately, ugh)
3) Leg Extension 160x21 <----awful lactic acid bath
4) ATG Hack Squat 3 plates per sidex23 reps (cannot. move.)
5) DB Romanian Deadlift 80'sx15, 90'sx15

What a 50 minute beat down. Legs bags of blood.

Taking a much-needed two days off from the gym. Be back for chest and calves tuesday night.
Chest, Calves

Weight: 225.6 :)
Tomorrow marks my third week in and I can see why they say that is the sweet spot, I was feeling animal tonight, had to cut back before I hurt myself.

1) BB incline press
205x5 acclimation
235x7 PR

2) DB incline press
90'sx6 acclimation
100'sx7 PR this deep in

3) DB incline fly
30'sx10 acclimation
45'sx13 drop to 35'sx4 PR

4) Superset seate calf raise with dip/chin belt weighted standing calf raise
180x11--->105x16----bwx10 slow
^on FIRE at this point. Calves dead.

5) Still feelin it so I decided to do some dips
bwx46 :D

Will post progress pic below.
Up to 232 now, feeling great in the gym, looking much bigger. Will update some pics soon. Getting some weird acne on the delts/lower side of my neck.

I've heard Propecia is good to offset this. Thoughts?
Well it's been 6 weeks so far and things are going real well. Cleaned up my diet to drop bloat and BP, and I'm at a solid 230 a.m. now. Hoping to squeek to a solid 240 by 6 weeks from now. :)

This was taken tonight after leg day.
Well it's almost over and I am indeed 240. Clothed at gym in evening, so more like a solid 235. The switch to HG Cyp from UG Sustanon (sust) wasn't too noticeable, seem to hold a bit less water and the acne (fairly light) I had on my back/shoulders is about gone.

Two shots left next week, then into my first PCT 3 weeks after last shot.

Already stoked on a new cycle come summer. :)

Will post final pics next week.