Jaroslav Horvath

I think he looks good, but i have to disagree. I don't think he even looks good enough to compete at the O. He is just not that dialed in like the other guys and is lacking in mass. Compare him to Shawn Ray, Ray blows him away.
I agree with your statement ,that he does not have the mass Ray does .The days of shape and decent size winning contests is gone.
If this guy could bring up his size without damaging his lines,placings would be much higher.
I think Ray is past his prime,he has not competed in yrs.......mo

yeah, thanks for those pics, i've always like jaroslav. i aslo think that claude groulx sjould be placed higher in rank.
INCREDIBLE LEGS - especially from the front! VERY VASCULA legs as well! Nice abs too!

Just a point to make... I wonder why his Hams and Glutes aren't a little more striated given his vascularity and striations on the front of his quads and calves? Strange isn't it?
he will never do damage b/c he is 5'6, 200lbs contest shape. I think he looks great but up against coleman or ruhl, forget about it!
