Joined the club.....first log (cyp)

Start of the 4th week, pin went very well. Pumps are still insane during the workout, my strength is going up nicely too.

Weight at the start of this week was 249lbs, the initial bloat is done, now to add the mass!
Chest day: Felt very strong, blew through all the pushes. Had a great pump during my fly exercises. All in all a very good workout.
Strong leg workout today, great pumps. Had trouble getting in all my meals cause of my work schedule. Gotta start taking more initiative to eat
Keep on going, i love to read this.

Did you think of a before-during-after picture?

Lol yea i've thought about this....dunno if i want to post them though. Cause i know if i do, i'll be hitting up my 2nd and 3rd cycles forsure. If i don't put them up i'll stay grounded. Sorta weird way to think but it keeps me serious about it.
Start of week 5. Pin went very smoothly this morning. I was comming off a weekend where my diet wasn't the greatest, but still managed to get enough meals in.

Todays weight was 252lbs. My strength is surprising me now, feel great on all my lifts. I keep my form very strict as well. I should report a little bit of acne on my shoulders, but nothing crazy maybe 2-3 little pimples.
19lbs in 5 weeks? thats fuckin awesome. whats ur diet like ?
Start of week 5. Pin went very smoothly this morning. I was comming off a weekend where my diet wasn't the greatest, but still managed to get enough meals in.

Todays weight was 252lbs. My strength is surprising me now, feel great on all my lifts. I keep my form very strict as well. I should report a little bit of acne on my shoulders, but nothing crazy maybe 2-3 little pimples.
Start of week 6, weight is fluctuating around 252-254lbs. Fell very strong in all my lifts, i'm looking leaner now and decided to cut down on the cardio.

Diet wise i'm incorporating:

2 whey protien shakes
8 oz chicken, ground beef, salmon or steak
4 eggs, a cup of egg whites
6 pieces of brown bread
2 big glasses of milk
peanut butter
and a shit ton of water.

that's what my diet consists of during a day. Its not to heavy on the carbs
haven't ever had a proper bf % done, but my trainer eyed me at around 15. I trust his judgement, i've been as low as 9% back in the day during a cut and kept adding bulk before i started my first cycle.
Start of week 7, 254lbs today. Noticeably leaner though getting bigger all around and very strong in all my lifts. I might turn down the cardio from now until the end
Props man I just started test e with dbol yesterday. I hope I get the same out of it as what you are. Over 10kg in 7 weeks!!!! Awesome
haha yea i was pinning with 22's for my first 6 weeks.... i finally grabbed 25's to pin with. The difference in pinning wasn't to big, but felt a lot more comfortable with the 25's.
Hey guys sorry been so swamped with work i prolly had the worst week last week when it came to getting all my meals in. Start of week 8 now and sitting at 255lbs. I need to step it back up and make sure i get all my meals in.
Pendlay row - 3 warm up sets, 4 working sets x 6-12 (not really a true pendlay, but a 90 degree barbell row)
Medium grip Pulldowns - 4x8-12
smith hammer pulls - 3x10-12
close grip hammer pulls - 3x10-12
cable row - 3x10-12
cable pull overs - 2x12
hyperextensions 3x15

No deadlift?