Joint aches hindering progress


New member
What is recommended to combat joint problems?
Strength-wise I can pull the weights, but my joints are killing and hindering me.

I read earlier posts about this, but I can't find them. Only thing I remember was chrondroitin sulfate and that it might take minimum 1-3 months constant supplementation to get any positive effects.
Anyone can fill in more?
Maybe try lightening the load and switching up for lifts that don't aggravate? Glucosamine etc never did much for me.
Ice at night and after workouts.
I think you should try reducing the weight your lifting and switch to a higher volume, lower intensity style programme.
This could be a classic situation were your strength gains are outrunning your tendons (which take ALOT longer to catch up). If this is the case, your simply begging for a serious injury in the long run.

In terms of beneficial supplements - glucosamine can be effective but it will take months for you to notice if you dose it at 1500mg/day, same thing applies to Chondroitin.

You could use Deca to help your joints depending on where you are cycle wise. Deca, by lubricating the joints, would reduce the effects of cartilage-based injuries while training BUT only masks tendon based problems - meaning the problem could get worse in the long run if its tendon based.
Thanks man!
I usually go with low volume/high intensity for upper body (3-4sets to muscular failure, breast, shoulders, arms), and high volume/lower intensity for lower body (bigger muscle groups such as legs and back)
Maybe time to change to higher volume/low intensity (higher sets, lower weights) for entire body, since I am really feeling bad aches in arms and shoulders during those days. Or at least cycle between with regular intervals (4-5weeks). Will need to take that into account now that I am getting help from 3J.
It's gonna take time and experience to find out what works for each.

Was planning a new cycle in July, and Deca might be an option of what I read about it helping the joints/tendons. But I don't want to mask the problem in the long run.

I think you should try reducing the weight your lifting and switch to a higher volume, lower intensity style programme.
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Have you ever taken a full break from lifting to allow for full recovery? I like to incorporate this into my routine every once in a while. I take a full week off from lifting, let my muscles and joints and cns get a full heal in. I think this is essential for growth due to the shock you put your body into as well as joint recovery as the repetitive motion of lifting can be quite hard on the body over a long period of time.
Besides the usual 1 free day/week, my plans has always been to take 1week of every 15-20weeks.
Recently I didn't hit the gym for at least 2weeks (due to work).
Got back to the gym, and the first thing I noticed was the joint aches (despite that I lowered the weights on purpose due to being away for so long).

Have you ever taken a full break from lifting to allow for full recovery? I like to incorporate this into my routine every once in a while. I take a full week off from lifting, let my muscles and joints and cns get a full heal in. I think this is essential for growth due to the shock you put your body into as well as joint recovery as the repetitive motion of lifting can be quite hard on the body over a long period of time.