Joint Pain Causes and Relief from Steroid Use & Injury

I was waiting for this article! Thank you Austinite! Get some well deserved rest my friend. I am considering compiling all this info and handing it out to some people I know who are curious about AAS, with your permission of course.
My elbow thanks you Austinite!

I have a question about something you wrote. You said,

Unlike gains, strength from steroids is not really so much dependant on your diet. Even if your nutritional plan is weak, you will still gain strength.

Can you elaborate on this? I always thought increased strength came from increased muscle.
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My elbow thanks you Austinite!

I have a question about something you wrote. You said,

Unlike gains, strength from steroids is not really so much dependant on your diet. Even if your nutritional plan is weak, you will still gain strength.

Can you elaborate on this? I always thought increased strength came from increased muscle.

Sure thing. The truth is, strength is the wrong word. But it's the easiest way to relay a message. Steroids will increase your muscle cellular endurance. This allows you to repeat contractions without fatigue for longer periods than normal. For example, if you normally warm up with 8 reps of 80 lb dumbbell press, you'll notice that 8 does not feel like a warm up. So you either keep going, or you start increasing the weight. Even the brain plays a role at this stage. All of us are actually MUCH stronger than we actually think we are. That doesn't mean we can handle it. For example, if you were in a burning house, you suddenly rush out and move a giant object that was in your way, which on any normal day, you would never think you could move.

So your confidence kicks in but mostly muscle cell endurance allows you to hold a muscle contraction longer.
Great read Austin! Elbows been killing me on this cycle...anything I can do to make it better as I am pretty sure it's from the gear not an injury
Honestly. I deal with bad knees, shoulders, wrist pains, all the time. I eat MSM, I doubt that it works as well as it should. I just switched to something else, I'm giving that shot. I had Xrays done but, I haven't made time to go back to see the results.
Opti-MSM powder is amazing for joints

Fish oil high in EPA has also worked wonders for me :)

looking forward to my deca cycle, my joints will be fking awesome :D
Damn im in pct and have been doing some sport activities, baseball and football with the kids, and my elbow is in some pain and its annoying! My shoulder has also been sounding like a un lubricated joint, sounds and feels like the bones grind almost. Ive used Anavar (var) the past 5 weeks too. Thanks for the gonna have to do some easy lifting the next week or two. Fuck that pisses me off