Joints!!!!(no not that kind)


I am banned!
I have started working out again after years away from the gym. November makes it a year. I've noticed that my wrists kill me, especially after chest day. I don't have any other joint pain, only my dang wrists. I've heard mixed reviews on glucosomine (sp) for joint health. Any ideas.
I have used TB500 with success on multiple occasions for varying degrees of injury. Ranging from---Dear god!!! All the way to--ouch, it stings. I am a believer.

Now where's the weed?
I would also rec lots fo healthy fats if you are not already. also turmeric can help with joint pain. IGF1 has helped a bit, but i have been hearing alot of good feedback from TB500. havent used it myself yet, but i would also look into that.

RUI has it
Oh man my wrists...I have times where I have to cycle a brace back and forth at work and sleep with a brace on one at a time to nurse them back.

Know what the absofuckinlutely main culprit always is? I let my diet get acidic....

As long as I avoid acidic drinks and junk food, eat me a healthy amount of kale and the rest of the greens I have Zero problems. I let my diet slip and after a month my wrists will flare back up. I mean anti-inflammatories help but those just treat symptoms. Fish oil always helped out as well. And at one point eons ago(like 5 years, I have always had wrist problems) I used Cissus mainly for a knee that was bothering me as an experiment but it helped the wrists as well. Though it actually made it worse first and caused my knee to swell a little then it went down and went away.

Knees will still bother me if I go too many day's in a row with only a couple hours of sleep.
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wrap them
work them

take 2 aspirin and call me in the morning....

Really man I ACHE from the moment I wake to the moment I find a position I cansleep in....research, change diet, lighten up till you get relief or...oh no...lay off ANY movement that aggravates them