Juiceman's back!!!!! first cycle in 5 years test, anadrol and tren


New member
Hey guys its been a while since ive been on here but was well known, is stonecold still around???? Anyways ive lost alot of meat and im BACK!!!! so im going to be running

TEST-C: Mon and FRI 5OOweek week 16 weeks
ANADROL:50mgs ED week 2-week 10
TRENBOLONE-E: Mon-Fri week 1-week 10


6'1" 205ibs currently. wish me luck!!!!!!
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Perhaps things have changed in the last 5 years. That is not a good plan for a cycle. No AI? HCG is suppressive and should not be used during PCT. It should be used during your cycle.'

Your chosen compounds are a little intense for a first cycle in 5 years. I would think test alone would be plenty.

You don't have to pin Tren E every other day. It is a longer ester.

Nolva and Clomid are typically used together for PCT.

What are your stats and how old are you? Have you gotten pre-cycle blood work?
I would recommend that you spend time doing more research as it appears things have changed since your last cycle (or were always wrong).
lol my bad i was typing think of acetate lol....i use only nolva. and MEGATRON!!! havnt you been on here a while i remember you.....weve had plenty convos sorry for the type o my fingers are rusty.
ive always used tren when it was so easy to get back in the day, FINA....used to make myself. i love Acetate but never tried Enathanate so im curious as to how the long ester is going to treat me. ive found the most potent around.
Yea im excited but im not really to fond of anadrol but i enjoy the strength and size while it lasts...lol should be a great size building cycle. Ive got some quality stuff as well.
Been on for three days anadrol seems to be entering my system, im feeling a little bloat nothing crazy yet. Headaches are killing me and only at 50mgs. getting indigestion in mornings and late at night, I had some left over dbol so im taking 2 orals now, never used them together but have heard using these two compounds together permits massive gains. But the only thing im not liking is how i always have this burning sensation in my throat and gagging in the morning...lol will this go away and does anyone have any good remedies???? Ive gained 6 pounds in my first week so really looking forward to see what the future holds to this cycle. thanks
Day 6 on cycle and up 11 pounds, havent seen to much strength but def feeling it. dbol and adrol is awesome together at the right dose if you can deal with the sides. im watching closley
drop the anadrol and pick up an AI. you don't want the water weight it will just cause health problems. All the weight you've gained is water. Check your blood pressure.
I understand your concern with the retention, but at 50mgs im not holding much water, cheeks no chubby than if it was just test, and blood pressure is at 122/80mmHg, headaches have dissipated still having acid reflux at night and in the morning...any idea on that? thanks for the insight
I've been at this for a long time you have not gained any muscle in 6 days it is all water. At 5 mg it would still be all water after 6 days Dball and anadrol aromatize at a very high rate. 122/80 is high. You should be down around 65-74 for an athletic person resting. I have high bp from years of this.

I know where you are I love the way dball makes your muscles look very full then bam you have moon face and your trying to get rid of it for 6 month after you came off cycle. It sound like you know best. Sorry you won't list to the voice of experience.
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i know you have buddy we used to chat back in the day on here, 2009 i believe, im not disregarding anything. some water retention at the beginning of a cycle isnt going to run me away from completing a well known bulking cycle as planned, I agree with the AI and is on the way. Im fairly experienced as well. I do appreciate your input and thank you. blood pressure is high and def recognized.