Juiceman's back!!!!! first cycle in 5 years test, anadrol and tren

I understand your concern with the retention, but at 50mgs im not holding much water, cheeks no chubby than if it was just test, and blood pressure is at 122/80mmHg, headaches have dissipated still having acid reflux at night and in the morning...any idea on that? thanks for the insight

Sorry 11lbs in 6 days you said? And your not holding much water Huh? Please no offense but do you think that is LMM or even FAT in six days. Where is your AI?
You are having headaches and so on.......

Some of the High Estrogen Side Effects

The side effects of high Estrogen are not limited to only Gynecomastia. There is a host of other side effects that a person should be aware of and so this is why an AI should be run from the beginning of a cycle until the startup of PCT.
Anxiety & panic attacks
Erectile dysfunction
Water retention
High blood pressure
Loss of balance/instability/dizziness
Respiratory related concerns
Low libido
Prostate related issues
Bitchiness and mood swings

PS: did you say what your age is? Did I miss that? sorry if I did
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]You haven't given us your complete stats. Age and BF% are important to know.

I've been at this for a long time you have not gained any muscle in 6 days it is all water. At 5 mg it would still be all water after 6 days Dball and anadrol aromatize at a very high rate. 122/80 is high. You should be down around 65-74 for an athletic person resting. I have high bp from years of this.

I know where you are I love the way dball makes your muscles look very full then bam you have moon face and your trying to get rid of it for 6 month after you came off cycle. It sound like you know best. Sorry you won't list to the voice of experience.

I agree as my previous post expresses. In BB the end result at any given time or also at the end of a cycle is the LMM we have built by diet, training , rest and what compounds we use to help our bodies synthesis protein to muscle at a faster rate. (for the main reason)

I have put on as much as thirty five pound during a cycle in 12 weeks. I was bloated as you admitted you are. You have answered many of your own Q's n thoughts by your own testimony but it doesn't see you are listening to yourself. In the end summary a man cannot gain more than 15lbs of LMM in one year. So my thirty five (35)pound in 12 wks ( three months) was what. If lucky and probably not would be 8 lbs. AND that would be awesome.

Good to be excited and AAS is fun really I like it but I keep it all in perspective especially when speaking to the crowds, and the you, newbies, that think 11 lbs in 6 days is a good thing. In reality it equals about .18 pounds.

It's the long haul man that will satisfy you. Yes you need to drop one compound and lower the other.

It looks like I am being rude and offensive but my intentions are that all who read this forum have a good and a real understanding of what is going on and so clarity to some posts. I am not trying to spoil your parade but as experienced a you say you for one should know the reality and care about it.

Holding water and the sides you are telling us is not healthy and that's the point. I feel a responsibility to this forum to tell and demonstrate the reality. All the excitement t if not healthy is not a good picture and appears reckless. No labs no Ai with the sides and 11 pound of water in one week is... well, Not so cool BRO............... this sounds like BRO science here. Sorry.
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I got ya man, by no means will this water weight hold after the short term use of anadrol and dbol nor is it reckless as many pro BB have used both compounds off season and pre contest"AT THE SAME TIME". What are you considering a ""NEWBIE" just a question to clarify to the other users because im going on about 6 years of REAL lifting and training to look the way i do. I have been AAS free for 5 years, By no means will a little indigestion stop me from taking a single compound. I feel that some people might get their heads blown up a little bit on forums because of what they type and what the top of their avatar says. im not going to explain my cycle history or understanding of what you just typed as it is not necessary, Who said 11 pounds was good, i simply stated what was happening throughout this cycle. Im 29 by the way 6'1" 210 probably 14 percent bf if i had to guess. I do this for me no one else. sorry you find this offensive and absurd to the forum. thanks for the input as i still read and enjoy learning other peoples opinions.
And by no means am i offended or being rude. thanks for listing the sides, blood pressure has declined and headaches are non existent. lower back pumps have started and indigestion is still bad in the morning and at night. my AI as you stated showed up today as i took pirates advice. i felt that is was def necessary. libido is strong and feeling pretty good all around. arms are almost 20" that always feels good ya know lol
Sorry it seems you are offended. If I gave the impression that I thought you were a newbie I didn't mean that. Needless to go back and look see. Just take it as I didn't.

My point was you were not coming off as being so responsible the Newbies that walk on. That's all. You are very excited , who wouldn't starting a new cycle after some years. Now you make know to me/us more background. Myself and someone else was asking for more stats (history n such) more than once.

So everything is cool man, you just didn't come off as being as responsible as one should because we (I) had no clue as to your experience, AND that makes a big difference as to how all of us react to a thread/post with talk of BF% etc...

In my closing I think now more people as well as the newbies can see what this big picture is And that may be that you know how to manage your BF and on and on. I hope you and others can see what I am saying about how it came off. WE need to know that a vast number of guys are newbies and we just need to keep in mind what they hear. Stay cool man. ...OMM :)
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Dan Duchaine's favourite cycle. I personally hate orals. I get the same sides as you get, JM. I had a "play" with some 50mg Winstrol tablets at the start of my last cycle (6 weeks, short esters only, Tren/Mast/Prop) and by the start of week 3, that's 14-15 tablets only, I felt nauseous and my piss was brown. I think the only orals I'll use now are Anavar pre-comp and Halotestin 4 weeks pre-comp. Halotestin is theoretically one of the worst, but I find the appetite suppression during those last few weeks helpful. I don't get nauseous on Halotestin - go figure.
id like to try Halo, ive never had the pleasure of using that compound. I used to get no sides from any orals when i was about 24, Now that im getting a little age on me a im noticing that i need to watch my body closely on orals. I havnt had to cut any doses down yet, seems all sides are suppressing, kind of anticipating this Tren....Ive only used acetate in the past so really excited to see what changes this makes to my body. Today i was kinda tired in the gym, im thinking my excitement may have caused a little overtraining lol. im going to take a 2 day break and see how a feel. will post pics on friday. thanks for the posts fellas. love the reads
id like to try Halo, ive never had the pleasure of using that compound. I used to get no sides from any orals when i was about 24, Now that im getting a little age on me a im noticing that i need to watch my body closely on orals. I havnt had to cut any doses down yet, seems all sides are suppressing, kind of anticipating this Tren....Ive only used acetate in the past so really excited to see what changes this makes to my body. Today i was kinda tired in the gym, im thinking my excitement may have caused a little overtraining lol. im going to take a 2 day break and see how a feel. will post pics on friday. thanks for the posts fellas. love the reads

My experience, when training on Tren or just training with total intensity (like beast mode, lol) I would tire overall in a few days even though my muscle recovery was great, I would lose a lot of energy and feel fatigued so I would take two days off, to eat rest and GROW. I could come back hard an solid again. Overtraining can help if you get to know when to back off for rest but to much rest. If I go three days it breaks my intensity and for me it was hard to come back.

As far as doses with injectable at my age I need higher doses to get anything close as to when I was in my 30's. and up in 40yrs. I'm not doing much on the oral side of AAS.
So Im glad to see you excited. That is fun to be around. 1 thing your need to remember is your receptors are limited. It's not like more is better and you will grow more. IT's like a parking lot ether in the day or night time. the lights are ether on or off and there are only so many cars you can fit in a parking lot. if you try to park too many cars in the parking lot you end up with a line around the block and the traffic is jack and the negative side effects are more likely to have a lasting effect.

Work hard and have fun keep us posted.
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So Im glad to see you excited. That is fun to be around. 1 thing your need to remember is your receptors are limited. It's not like a more is better and your will grow more. IT like a parking lot ether in the day or night time. the lights are ether on or off and there are only so many car you can fit in a parking lot. if your try to park too many cars in the parking lot you end up with a line around the block and the traffic is jack and the negative side effects are more likely to have a lasting effect.

Work hard and have fun keep us posted.

Good point and again I may have given the wrong idea in regard to dosing. I have done smaller and intermediate doses and for me at my age and what all I've done in the past years I noticed a big difference using higher doses. What I am saying is since I am 62 it is a fact that I will make muscle at a slower rate than when younger. Age itself will account for that.

For me and I've have talked with just a few older men 50, 55-60 that have experience the diminishing returns at older (Fvckin old) age like myself. Thus higher doses helped in many aspects. Thanks...
Night SWEATS are a bitch lol!!! Been having wet sheets in the middle of the night. Metabolism seems to kicking into high gear. Its weird this anadrol doesnt seem to be bloating me much but im strong as a moose!!!! I told my girl "calmly" im feeling more aggressive and irritable, she said great lol.
Night SWEATS are a bitch lol!!! Been having wet sheets in the middle of the night. Metabolism seems to kicking into high gear. Its weird this anadrol doesnt seem to be bloating me much but im strong as a moose!!!! I told my girl "calmly" im feeling more aggressive and irritable, she said great lol.

Haha yeah bro I am getting the same thing just wake up soaked lol put the fan up last night much better :) I find dbol makes me feel more aggressive just throw the beats on and ignore everything till I get to the gym.
Night SWEATS are a bitch lol!!! Been having wet sheets in the middle of the night. Metabolism seems to kicking into high gear. Its weird this anadrol doesnt seem to be bloating me much but im strong as a moose!!!! I told my girl "calmly" im feeling more aggressive and irritable, she said great lol.

I don't get night sweats! I barely get ANY sides from trenbolone. I've only been as high as 450mg p/w, but my mate ran the same cycle as me, same source, and had to put a towel on his bed before he went to sleep it was that bad.
Man does it feel good to be back ON!!! Im stronger and clothers are starting not to fit the same...lol..im weighing 218 and honestly im looking very lean. Test and the dbol is have kicked in and almost done with the anadrol, Once this anadrol is done i believe ill start seeing my new form. Tren im feeling and starting to get sides from it, dreams are more vivid and night sweats are crazy, I give a 2 thumbs up to Nordaject pharmaceuticals, great product!!!