New member
Keep it up man!
Im at work yoda ill post tonight bro
I understand your concern with the retention, but at 50mgs im not holding much water, cheeks no chubby than if it was just test, and blood pressure is at 122/80mmHg, headaches have dissipated still having acid reflux at night and in the morning...any idea on that? thanks for the insight
I've been at this for a long time you have not gained any muscle in 6 days it is all water. At 5 mg it would still be all water after 6 days Dball and anadrol aromatize at a very high rate. 122/80 is high. You should be down around 65-74 for an athletic person resting. I have high bp from years of this.
I know where you are I love the way dball makes your muscles look very full then bam you have moon face and your trying to get rid of it for 6 month after you came off cycle. It sound like you know best. Sorry you won't list to the voice of experience.
id like to try Halo, ive never had the pleasure of using that compound. I used to get no sides from any orals when i was about 24, Now that im getting a little age on me a im noticing that i need to watch my body closely on orals. I havnt had to cut any doses down yet, seems all sides are suppressing, kind of anticipating this Tren....Ive only used acetate in the past so really excited to see what changes this makes to my body. Today i was kinda tired in the gym, im thinking my excitement may have caused a little overtraining lol. im going to take a 2 day break and see how a feel. will post pics on friday. thanks for the posts fellas. love the reads
So Im glad to see you excited. That is fun to be around. 1 thing your need to remember is your receptors are limited. It's not like a more is better and your will grow more. IT like a parking lot ether in the day or night time. the lights are ether on or off and there are only so many car you can fit in a parking lot. if your try to park too many cars in the parking lot you end up with a line around the block and the traffic is jack and the negative side effects are more likely to have a lasting effect.
Work hard and have fun keep us posted.
Night SWEATS are a bitch lol!!! Been having wet sheets in the middle of the night. Metabolism seems to kicking into high gear. Its weird this anadrol doesnt seem to be bloating me much but im strong as a moose!!!! I told my girl "calmly" im feeling more aggressive and irritable, she said great lol.
Night SWEATS are a bitch lol!!! Been having wet sheets in the middle of the night. Metabolism seems to kicking into high gear. Its weird this anadrol doesnt seem to be bloating me much but im strong as a moose!!!! I told my girl "calmly" im feeling more aggressive and irritable, she said great lol.