Just an hour ago... my wife fell down in Publix


Well-known member
My wife fell down in Publix market an hour ago. She's on her way to ER.

My wife has had her right hip, right shoulder and left hip all replaced with SS. She fell 4 years ago and broke her right Femur. Screws and plates and in a month fell again and broke her femur again SAME location. broken all the repair. Now she only has partial range with the replaced shoulder. ON and ON, etc...

So now we are not sure... I gotta go down to Hospital. My daughter is the head nurse on the 6 floor thank God where all the broken bone patients go. fvck lost for terminology.

Anyway if any are praying men , maybe you could say a prayer for my wife Cathy, she just turned 75..... OMG I can't understand where did the time go...Man she is weak

Gotta go up to hospital now.... and I'm just a little shaky here ya know.

OMM :(:(

PS: No drugs or alcohol involved.
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Damn Mike ~ that really Sucks ~ Extremely Sorry to hear about your Wife ~ She will be in my Thoughts and Prayers.

Curious ~ why all the Breaks ~ Does she Suffer from Osteoporosis or Osteopenia........................... JP
Hang in there ~ Your Wife needs you to be Clear Headed in this Situation ~ All the Best !
Ok guys thanks for your concern... :wavey:

OMG, I am just besides myself. Cathy my wife (x-wife but not) separated. Dammit man just fuck. I feel so bad. She was operated on for her broken femur. She did not break off the humerus so that will heal on it's own. In a sling presently. So she is screwed...NO PUN... I mean OMG`... i can't walk half the time cause my back. I can't have surgery till Cathy can walk. How do I help lift Cathy.

I feel so bad... OK not my fault but i've been trying to be the man she wanted, the man she wanted me to be when we married in 1978. Where has it all gone. Where is the inheritance where is the gym, where is the Corporate Director it's gone ya know and i did it. Why did I notr just stay with her. She has fallen twice and her right side is all screwed up. Hip, leg, shoulder and arm. now her left.

What happened to chivalry Mike ? huh , ya know. i rushed her. I had them page her cause i couldn't walk any further and had them page her. She rushed and fell. She needed me to walk with and FUCK man.. I shirk my duties to her. A man to his wife.....WTF was the hurry man, just what the fuck was I thinking . Ha yeah lil Mikey was in a hurry to go NO FUCKING WHERE but home to what.... what. Nothing.

I'm just updating my thread, OK... just rambling.
OMM :(
Move as much as you can All on to 1 Floor.

If it's a 2 Story Home, then set-up the Bedroom for her.
This way she's on the same floor as the Bathroom.

Then you just need to bring her Meals.
And possibly put a TV in the room, if you don't have one there already........................... JP
I know it's Not Easy, but it's Doable !

I was helping my Mother up and down steps before my Double Hip Replacement.
She had Dementia at the time.
So let me see if I can show Cathy's leg n Femur . I'm having a problem with the Shoulder.

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SAo this is Cathy's shoulder. If you zoom in you can see the fracture at the humerus. She only currently with a sling for her arm, to heal by itself. ?? OMG So can't walk and her arm is healing in a sling.

View attachment 567742

So her right side hip and arm are fucked. 25% range of movement in the right shoulder and a SS hip and post into the femur bone. down to a few inches from the knee. Now the whole left side of my girl is all fucked up.
You can go tho the bank on knowing If Cathy falls She WILL break something.

Smoked since young age, drinking all her life... Oh I love my girl no mater what. It's unconditional. Dammit it is UNCONDITIONAL. I feel me married at 27 yrs and her at 34 yrs ... I grew up with her. I was a an immature boy both emotionally as physically.

I gotta take care of her... It's what my parents taught marriage was all about. . She was a hippie and I was a hippie.

She is so depressed and I;m trying to be the husband I should of been throughout our marriage and it was all about me. looking gawking right in front of her. Didn't know what i had. The grass is not greener on the other side ya know.

My wife was hot WTF was I always looking at. So many women while traveling, but why ya know why.

OMG i'm ranting aren't I. I'm just on bit of a panic attack right now. I gotta show a different face when i go to see her later. But I am freaked, just fucking freaked out. My wife isn't gonna... well fuck i don't know, just I know she has had it with life. She might just fade away with her emotions now. Dammit she is at her limit. Between my abuse and her stroke in 2000 and now.... God dammit man.

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So let me see if I can show Cathy's leg n Femur . I'm having a problem with the Shoulder.


She Broke the Femur after a Hip Replacement.

That's Fucked-up ~ Hope she Heals OK........................................... JP
Ok listen:

Broke right femur twice after hip replacement.
Right shoulder replaced SS
Left hip previously replaced SS. and now broke the femur on left side below the joint / ball.
so only her left shoulder was G2G no steel and she fractured it.

Thanks for the reply "jp" and Latestart.
OMM :(
My back is bad and i must take care of Cathy. My Epidural didn't work and they say only way to get relief is open back surgery. I agree but WTF... I mean what about.... Fuck what about anything i can't think

OMM bye
Hang in there bro. My family is praying for yours. Give things time and they have a way of working out. Try to keep stress down if possible. Take care friend
Update on My wife.

So this morning they cut her Block (epi) OFF. she just called crying. She has been on low dose Opiates. She was doing better with the block of course. But now the Morphine now ain't cutting it. I knew last night that she would be out of her mind when they stop the block.

Last night she held off taking her Trazadone for sleep until I left at 1:00 am. So she said when she asked for it they said "Oops too late you cant have it. I can't jump on the fucking nurse tonight or I'll end up with a no trespassing and or Jail. The lil fucker I'd like to break his fucking femur and yank his arm out of his socket and hold his meds from him. :bash::destroy:

As far as my health.. The Epi didn't work and I getting more painful. I cannot live with this. But now there is no way to get my back surgery when I have to care for Cathy. She is only 3 doors down, literally 5 parking spaces. So I'll at two places. Our Cats grew up together, 2 hers and 2 mine, "Family" So they can come with for the all nighters which will be more then not for several months. If she walks again soon she will take care of me and my back operation ? whenever? :(

Thanks jp and Latestart,

OMM :sadwavey:
I hope you guys don't mind my "sort of crying' to you guys on O'logy.

My wife has been transferred to a rehab hospital so when ever she goes home we she should be able to walk with help. Right now she is stuck with no use of the left broken arm " Humerus " and the right is already frozen and little range of movement. Now during her left shoulder healing and with her leg... OMG what to do. FUCK !!! I mean FUCK , what the fuck i have these 4-5 herniated discs. OMG guys I am freaking out about recovery.

Listen if you don't know already. She divorced me at 36 yrs of marriage. Now together since dating 42 years... 42 years and the mother of my children.. At 75 she is weak, she still smokes, FUCK ME dammit she won't stop. Her bones are brittle from smoking since she was a young girl. We , if you don't know 3 doors away. Only single story apts where you park in front like a motel. We are 3 doors apart. 4 parking spaces.

I feed her every night at my place she can't cook anymore. After here stokes in 2000 she had to stop driving and if she cooked " she could burn the house down" so no stove for her.

Dammit man .. fucking dammit you guys hear me, what the fuck is going on.... She might never walk again....
and I was such a fuck up of a husband and I didn't treat her like a man should treat the mother of his children. To top it off when we first started dating because she was taking care of me as a friend due to my clinical breakdown. And ergo the love affair began as we worked for the same company.

IT wasn't a good marriage due to me... I'm so trying to make all this better,be a loving husband, an appreciative husband. Yeah she sacrificed for me. She was so hot and i was always looking elsewhere. I traveled and was banging several women a week in my stays at the business hotels.

Take my advice, yeah from a real fuck up that had to learn the hard way. IF you Love your wife then Treat her like a queen.

Ok , fuck OK I'll just shut up now. NO one likes a fuckin cry baby especially an old man ya know. I just... just am fucked up right now.

Rant all ya want or need to sir. Many of us here care about your situation and hope it gets better soon. Sounds like your kind of in a routine now? Just keep making the most of your days. Spend the time with her that you can and find ways to enjoy your time together.

Talk it out any time bro. Following along here
Thanks man.. I'm just breaking down a bit... ya know. It's getting all too real now, when I had to help feed her cause of her arms. She just can't reach the table with her right arm being frozen with little to no range of movement. She can do it but it's hard so I fed her. her left is broken ... oh, OMG

She will mend up to an extent. Prayerfully soon.. She's not a good Patient at all.

Nough Mike :insane:

OMM :wavey:

OH man , thanks for your warmth. Mike
So an update... Cathy is in a rehab hospital now, two n a half days. Physical therapy came right in first think , on first day. Man they are in there twice a day... wo she is in great pain anyway but at the end of her day she hurts a lot from the therapy. Hard to work with her. She's a bad girl. Always wen sick or really crazy in hospital. Our daughter an RN goes up takes care of all the Medical stuff. Straighten the room , what the staff doesn't do . MY daughter since it is all Shands hospital, my daughter has some clout with the Ortho doctors cause it is all Shands hospital. After ten years pretty much al the staff seems to jump on her beck n call. Funny but pretty cool and good for mom.

How she will walk in the end no one knows... naturally.

Thanks for listening guys OMM
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Sorry but i get emotional when I speak of Cathy's injuries. I said I wasn't true to her back in these years of Corporate. I never was some macho man with women circling. But so many women see this guy (me) and I'm cut and muscular and they go nuts.... . this was cool...never did i ever believe that this could happen.

Guys it was so different when traveling and staying in the corporate Hotels. Happy hour after the gym all pumped up. I'm not telling bullshit embellished stories but they would come to me...all on their own. I wasn't the shark they were horny 28-38 year old women. It was a fortune Five hundred Company. The small towns were noted for some horny women.

Remember this was 83',84',85' and aids no one was worried, no protection but had a vasectomy so no pregnancy. 11 of Company women.. and 2-4 women a night average...seriously. Most all have never see a comp BB'er in real life. SO the women, in those years just fucked anyone. Even me lol haha.

Now that's the real story, Cathy knows of one serious affair and no knowledge of all those. She stayed with me, hell we had three children. But it did some damage , ha ya think. Oh she cannot use a computer or even trouble with a cell phone at 75 year so i have no fear of her seeing this.

Guys as AA says when making amends you need to be careful that when you expose some things , if it hurts someone in a very bad way you should NOT GO there. Only my wife would suffer terribly. But it hurts me now... I am beginning to change and do NOTHING that would hurt her.

WE have our Vows now that even without the PAPER license of marriage we are still husband and wife just 3 doors away. It's good this way. But I'm in pain for what I did years ago. My remorse is genuine. My depressed , I am rapid cycling....and that is usually very dangerous for me to b e at that juncture...
Rapid cycling is going from deep depression to mania and back and forth as in one day up n down. Mixed mania it is called.. Mixed and rapidly Up n Down. With the depressed mania it has gotten dangerous for me and anyone around.

The kicker is I am extremely emotional. I feel so bad for her all my sins against her are flooding my head, with almost a hatred for myself. It goes on and on. The thing that is really bad is I cannot tell her of all this., It will tear her heart out.

Just more feeling and ranting. I know what O'logy is about and this isn't what it is all about.

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Ology is what we make it my forum bro. Everyone needs to say things sometimes. I would probably vent here if I need to . . . . well . . . . WHEN I need to.

Sending positivity your way and healing fast to the lady!