Time for an old dude to step it up

10 min cardio
flat Smith: 135x10 with hold at bottom, 185x8, 205x6, 225x3, 135x8 with holds again
Incline smith: 138x8/8/8, 155x8, 175x3
Db Pullover: 60x8, 70x8, 80x5
Slow Pec deck: 120x12 with hold n stretch, 150x8 h&s, 180x6 quick

Short gym evening so I tried to slow way down with lots of holds n focused squeezes. Pounded chest!

Weight 224.5, cals 3030, carbs 35, fat 32, protein 33(196g)
Bowling yesterday

Added bulletproof coffee

Have not done BP in a while: 123/85
Definitely feeling that cardio initiation zap I always have on tren. By that I mean an uncomfortable unsteady feeling at the beginning of changing from rest to active. Once I get moving/working out I am fine again :-)

Weight down again. 222.5 :-)

Oh yeah.... and sweats!
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Wifee cardio
Leg extensions: 100x15, 150x12, 180x12, 200x12, 220x15
Plated squat press: 200x12 & 380x6 deep, shallow 470x8, 560x8, 650x5
Seated leg curl: 100x15, 120x12, 140x10, 160x5
Db squat: 60x8, 70x8, 80x6, 90x6, 100x6

Had a tough time on the plated squats. Sugar/carb low maybe? Had to get out of the rocket ship chair real slow or I would get real light headed

Weight 222.5, cals 3030, carbs 38, fat 31, protein 31(242g)
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Boom goes the weight :-(

10 min cardio
Ez preacher: 75x12, 95x8/8, 95x4 narrow, 85x8/6 narrow
Oly bar curl: 65x8, 85x5/5, 75x8/6
Oly rows: 135x6/6/8/6
Standing db curls: 25x15, 30x8
Seated db curl with rotation: 15x6/6, 17.5x8
Cable rope curls: 80x8, 100x6, 60x20
And done!

Weight 228.5, cals 3760, carbs 44, fat 30, protein 26(233g)

Ton of family chaos I am trying to stay the hell out of! Last big trip for a while coming this weekend. Watch some concert pros, play a small gig, visit friends n mom. Lots of driving. Good times
10 min cardio
Db flat bench: 60x6, 80x8, 90x8
Smith: 205x8, 225x6, 245x3
Incline db: 20x12, 30x12, 40x10, 45x8, 50x6
Db Pullover: 60x12, 70x10, 80x8, 90x6
Pec deck: 120x15, 150x12, 180x8, 200x6
Cable tri: 100x12, 120x12, 140x10, 160x10, 180x8

Weight 226.5, cals 3250, carbs 40, fat 38, protein 22(191g)
Geez I knew February was going to be a tough month, but...

Leg day
Plated squat press: 290x12, 380x8, 470x6, 560x4, 380x8
Leg extensions: 120x15, 160x15, 200x15, 220x12, 230x10
Weighted calf raises: 110x15/15, 110x12/12 slow, 150x10 slow with hold
Leg curl: 100x12, 120x8/10/10, 150x6

Weight 224, cals 3195, carbs 29, fat 39, protein 32 (248g)

Trying new tren. Wasnt getting the normal feel. Maybe underdosed? Maybe counteracted by the mast? So made adjustments.
Test-c 440/ tren-e 400/ mast-e 500/ deca 100/ proviron 20

Now vivid dreams n roasting night hot flashes. Slight throat restriction, destroyed Cardio. Yup. Thats the stuff!
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Thanx Tank. The deca is just therapeutic for my knees but I;ve never done anything this big before! With that said.... got my bloodwork today! Do not know shiz without it

Hematocrit 49.5 (37.5-51) - really happy here! Even tho I donate I expected this to be thru da roof with as much as I;m forcing into my body

Serum test 2818 - that is as expected. New source gtg there

Prolactin 0.6 (4-15.2) - so I could probably lower my caber a bit just to save money

E2 34.6 (8-35.2) - also really happy with this as I wanted to experiment with running E2 at the high end for improved (theoretical) muscle development

Mood good, but tired most of the time. Libido maybe down a bit but function n trigger pull good!

Liver numbers are just out of range. Need more liver supps. Been abusing it more than I should. Been hitting the IBUs too much and a random double Bacardi n cola is not my norm. Gotta watch that!
Cool. Good to see you are on top of the issues and using testing to see what's really going on.

I had a run where I had E2 exactly on the money and prolactin lower end of range and still had unwanted effects, so I'm not in favor of the two 19-nors together.
Wifee cardio until I thought my heart would explode!
Flat bench: 135x12, 185x6/4, 155x8/6
Incline bench: 95x12, 115x10/8/6/4
Decline bench: 95x12, 115x12, 135x8/8
Cable tri bar: 100x12, 120x12, 140x8, rope: 140x6, 100x10
Standing db tri: 20sX8/8/8, 15sX10/12

Weight 224, cals 3600, carbs 27, fat 39, protein 34(260)
10 min cardio
Ez preachers: 75x12, 85x7/8/6/6, 75x5 slow
Standing db curls: alternating 25x8, 30x6, then together while leaning into bench 35x4, 25x6, 20x6 (surprisingly difficult)
Oly bar rows: 95x8/8/8, 115x8/6/6
Cable rope curls: 100x6/6, 80x8/8/7

Weight 220.5, cals 2765, carbs 32, fat 30, protein 38(192g)
Wifee cardio until I thought my heart would explode!

Ah ha LMAO ^^

Hello my friend. Your humor :laugh3) I just dropped in for a look see on O'logy. Caught your post and had a laugh.. :wavey:

I'm at my granddaughters using her laptop for just a few before dinner. :laugh: might email you soon and update

OMM, :smoker: :)
Wifee cardio until I thought my heart would explode!

Ah ha LMAO ^^

Hello my friend. Your humor :laugh3) I just dropped in for a look see on O'logy. Caught your post and had a laugh.. :wavey:

I'm at my granddaughters using her laptop for just a few before dinner. :laugh: might email you soon and update

OMM, :smoker: :)

Hey OMM!
I'm still trying to get back into a rhythm. My tren is definitely off. Most I have ever done was 350/weekl. I'm up to 550 now. Friend trying same is at 1050! Sux. I did sweat up a night shirt last night but that's it n i bet won't happen again until I bump up again. :-(
It teases me with random expected sides and then nothing! Bumping up again. Hitting gym tonite
Took a week off. Life n stuff
Phone blew up so yeah...
Think my tren-e 200 is actually mislabeled. It's tren-a 100. Grrr. Switched to known tren-e yesterday. Last night slept on a towel after soaking sheets. Ummm, yeah. That's the stuff

Yesterday gym. Bad time off :-(
10 min cardio - same as always but good tren had my heart rate way up. Had to pace myself
Db bench: 50sX12, 60x12, 65x10, 70x6
Db military: 25sX12, 30x10, 35x10, 40x6
Db pullover: 50x10, 55x8, 60x6
Pec deck: 120x12, 150x10, 180x5

Weight 219, cals 3245, carbs 43, fat 26, protein 31(194g)

Hit it again today
Half hour wifee cardio
Wide cable lat down: 100x12, 140x12, 160x10, 180x6/4
Narrow cable row: 100x12, 140x10, 160x6, 140x8/6
Db shrugs: 80sX10/8/6, 70x8/8
Oly bar curls: 55x10, 65x6/5, 55x8/10fast
Narrow cable lat down: 100x10, 120x8, 140x6

Weight 222.5, cals 2510, carbs 35, fat 39, protein 26(142g)
Legs. Sucked. Been 16 days since legs. Unbelievable loss of strength

10 min. Cardio

Plated squat press: 200x12, 290x12, 380x6/6, 470x6 short. I had to ease to standing and then sit back down to log so as not to pass out. Damn I hate tren for that one thing

Leg extensions: 120x15, 150x15, 180x12, 200x10/10
Weighted calves: 110x15/15/15/15/15
Seated leg curls: 100x15/15/12

Weight 220, cals 2385, carbs 36, fat 30, protein 34(199g)

Been feeling down. Tired. Unmotivated. Going back to work a couple days a week doesn't help that or my back :-(
I don't want to tweak my doses yet tho cuz the sex is best it's been in quite a while; trigger pull n all