Just did my first shot..


New member
Just had my first shot of test e! I pinned in my quad no pain took it like a champ.Only problem I had is actually drawing the test.I would inject the same amount of air that I was going to draw, then proceeded to draw and twice it wouldn't start drawing till around 1cc. So I injected it back into the vial and kept trying(bad idea right?)Then the 3rd time it stopped drawing right before the amount I needed! Eventually I got it.Any advice on what im doing wrong?Thanks guys and ill post up a log soon!
congratulations, the pain comes tomorrow and the next day. but you can handle it

i always over draw so i can clear the air bubbles you get when you start pulling back, then clear it back into the bottle ending on the right line
are you using a larger gauge pin for this, makes it way easier, I have 18s for drawing the oil
I always pull the syringe out to the end, then push the air back into the bottle. Then go ahead turn your bottle over and withdraw what you need. Seems to help a little.
I always pull the syringe out to the end, then push the air back into the bottle. Then go ahead turn your bottle over and withdraw what you need. Seems to help a little.

So your saying instead of just injecting the same amount of air as test that I need into the vial...I should just inject the whole syringe into the vial?
When you add air to the bottle all your doing is pressuring up the bottle. Its not gonna hurt anything, Just makes your draw smoother. Seems to have a lot less air end up in the pin... I also pull back real slow too. Make sure your point is completely covered as well.
Depending on the ester drawing can be a pain.After injecting air into the vial turn it upside down and draw slowly. Let gravity do most of the work and take your time.