just finished cycle and need a LEGIT site for Cialis purchase!


New member
I just finished up a 3 month cycle and am looking for a website that may have actual good name brand Cialis. My local supplier has a generic brand to use for the first month while I am coming off the gear but it kinda sucks, I want the real stuff! Anyone know a good website to purchase some??
Walgreen's or CVS. Pretty much any pharmacy will have the name brand stuff. Costs about $200 for a month's supply at 5mg/day.

Otherwise I would recommend checking out RUI. Their ad is at the top of your screen.
Nope. But Walgreen's and CVS will have it. Just show them your prescription and the pretty girl behind the counter will dispense it to you.

Mmmmm. Hot pharmacy techs....

If you see Jasmine, say hi for me! I don't think Candace works weekends. ;)