Just got notice in mail for pick up at post office!


New member
I just got a notice for my package of 10 amps, 1 vial, both of test, and 1 amp of hcg from my source after a month long wait. I'm kinda weary of this situation because the notice says they missed me and I can come pick up at the post office. The box is checked next to the statement that claims must be present and sign for package. They might have given me this notice since I have a small mailbox, the type that are small squares and have a lock. Plus my box was pretty full today due to holiday yesterday. On another note, now that I read the entire notice it says I can go online and request a redelivery. Can anyone give me some advice?

Also, it was kind of strange that I never heard from my source after I paid for my order. Not even after contacting a few times. He normally responds within a day. I may be overreacting but this is making me a little anxious.
I would consider it gone. It's a setup. It's not illegal to buy or use gear, but it is illegal to posses without a prescription. I would go for the redelivery. Definitely don't go pick it up.
Last 2 times I ordered international that happened to me. Its like the equivalent of UPS or Fedex needing a signature for delivery. It will be faster if you just take the slip to the post office and sign for it. You can request redeliver if you know you will be home to receive it.
Do whatever you feel comfortable with but I have done this 2 times. Both addresses had the same community type mail box. Went to the post office with the slip. They went and got it and you sign the shitty digital pad thing.
Do whatever you feel comfortable with but I have done this 2 times. Both addresses had the same community type mail box. Went to the post office with the slip. They went and got it and you sign the shitty digital pad thing.

Wait, you signed and nothing at all happened?
PM me a pic of your slip if you want. I got one a couple months ago I can tell you if its the same thing if that makes you feel any better.
I would consider it gone. It's a setup. It's not illegal to buy or use gear, but it is illegal to posses without a prescription. I would go for the redelivery. Definitely don't go pick it up.

Uhh, yes it is illegal to buy and use gear. It's just illegal..
I'm guessing the notice was just because it would not fit in the box that was filled 1/3 with mail. They've done this other times(not with gear though) where I pick up at post office, but they never require signature, only I.D.
Don't stress it bro. A lot of these packages require a signature as it most likely is international. I have to sign that same light peach colored slip every time my thyroid meds from Mexico come in. I wouldn't stress it bro. If they opened it and seized it, you would be given a seizure letter man. Why would they set you up for 11 vials?? They have better shit to do with their time like catching guys with 1000 vials, etc.
Yeah, I know I'm probably stressing it although I've never had to do this and I've ordered a few times. I have made a few small orders from this international source in the last few months and all orders made it with no sig. Maybe this one was a little more $$ so he decided to insure it??
agreed... just go pick it up...
if they spring out and grab you then keep your mouth shut and lawyer up.... DON'T ADMIT anything. says you have a pkg to go pick up, not a pkg of steroids on slip.
USPS, you always have to sign for international orders. This has happened to me before.

Mine was scary as shit though. I see online that my package was supposed to be delivered so I go by the post office on my way home around lunch. When I get there I notice my neighborhood mail deliverer's vehicle is there. So I'm like "Yay it's probably at my house", but I go inside to check anways since it's on the way home. I get in there and ask if the package is there or out for delivery, then I hear a man back behind the wall somewhere ask if it was for blah blah blah Blah Rd? I'm like... yea? He says something along the lines of "Yeah, he took it out with him this morning" and that really through me for a loop because I knew it was my 'mail man' I was hearing. I didn't think much of it and got home and then the SAME GUY pulls up a few minutes later in his vehicle I just saw at the post office. I'm trying to process all this as he knocks on the door, freaking the freak out.

No idea why he didn't have me sign for it a the post office, I know he was there with it. Unless it was in his truck? idk... was scary
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