Just how much can dht derivitives lower e2?


New member
Alright so thinking of blasting for a few months. Basically I'm going to keep my trt protocol of 250mg test and 200mg deca and just add 30 mg of winstrol per day for the first 5 weeks and 400mg masteron for 12 weeks. On my trt protocol alone, 0.5mg adex twice per week keeps my e2 levels around 30 on the sensitive assay. Should I be concerned about crashing e2 with the aforementioned blast protocol? I have read that dht derivitives can have anti estrogenic properties but the magnitude of these properties I am not sure of. I will be getting blood work to confirm but wanted to hear of anybody's prior experiences first. Thanks
Anti-estrogenic does not make it an aromatase inhibitor. :)

Unless you're about to compete, skip the winny man - masteron will fit the bill. No, I would be very surprised if it did ANYTHING to your estradiol levels. :)
That's what I thought. I'm gonna run the winny since I'm cutting and want the extra edge against loosing muscle mass. Also, I'm genuinely curious about it since I've never ran it before.
That's what I thought. I'm gonna run the winny since I'm cutting and want the extra edge against loosing muscle mass. Also, I'm genuinely curious about it since I've never ran it before.

You're cutting....? And you're running Deca?


What's even more bizarre is running Winny at the start of a cycle, you must be into S&M or something.... are you trying to dry your joints out for the lifting to come? Do you enjoy training when every muscle in your body is cramping through dehydration?

You are actually aware that Winny is used by bodybuilders in the final couple of weeks before a show to draw out the water? It actually has no fat diminishing properties whatsoever.

If it was me, I would stick with Test and Mast (if cutting) and only add the Deca if you're running a lean bulk.

But either way, your caloric intake will dictate the end result - not the cocktail of AAS you decide on.

This may be overly nuanced and irrelevant for practical purposes, but adding in additional compounds will mean they all compete to be bound by SHBG. Therefore, all things being equal, your Free Estradiol will increase. Of course all things are not equal (e.g. SHBG levels can change or some compounds have a greater affinity for binding to SHBG). Anyway, it is possible that despite taking the same doses of aromatizable compounds that your AI dose may need to change.

Not sure you need to worry about this, but I know some guys here enjoy over thinking things. :-)