Just started injections...having trouble.


New member
Probably stupid question, but I'm giving myself 1/2ML, which is equivalent to 50 mg, every three days. I am having trouble sucking the liquid up into the needle. I swear it took ten minutes the last two times to get even half a ML into the syringe. I pumped air into bottle via the syringe and turned the bottle upside down, but it takes forever to enter the syringe. What the heck is wrong?
Do you use two different needles? A larger one for injecting into the bottle and then replacing it after you are done withdrawling the juice and using the 2nd one to pin yourself?
Yep it's thick and oily,
so warm the vial with a hair dryer or some warm water before you wipe the top with a alcohol pad and draw your dose. Now your injectable compound is warm and will make for a more pleasant injection.
^^^ummmm NO cyp is not thick and oily, depends on what lab u are using orrr u can do it the easy way and draw the oil out with a 20 gauge and pin with the 23.
Thanks guys.

I have only injected twice, so this is all new to me. I'm hoping my doc will up my script to 125mg per week because I seem to waste a little each time I inject. I will try warming the vial and if that doesn't work, try using a larger and smaller needle.

I have been for over a year, but I recently switched from Testim to Cyp due to rotator cuff surgery next week. I won't be able to apply the Testim.
have u met chip here? hed prolly take care of ya a lil better than what ur getting 125 mgs a week is not even worth the trouble man.

I asked him a question about Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) tonight though. My doc won't prescribe it. My insurance covers my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). I suppose Chip's stuff would be out of pocket?
yes i believe so, is money tight 4 ya??its really not that bad to pay? u will have to ask for the details.
Explain how you get the Cyp into the small syringe after you have removed it from the vial with the larger syringe. If you remove the stopper of the small syringe and inject the contents of the large syringe into the small syringe and then inject the contents of the small syringe into your butt, wouldn't you be injecting a lot of air too?
Thats not what he means volumnus, he means draw the oil out of the vial with a larger needle, not syringe. Then you change the needle to a smaller one to inject. You use the same syringe the whole time.
125 mgs a week is not even worth the trouble man.

Why? The average male produces ~70-100mg/w naturally. He's on HRT bro, not doing a cycle. All this is for is to return his natty test levels to normal. This is a lifelong thing under a doctors care. Its not the same thing. 125mg/w of Cyp is roughly what he is supposed to produce naturally.

Volumnous, your wasting alot because you keep thinking shooting it more frequently will keep blood levels more stable. Just inject 125mg/w, whatever that is and you'll be fine. Your trying to judge 50mg every 3 days and your gonna end up wasting gear like you are now. Your blood levels will be plenty stable. We're not talking a cycle with 600mg of test a week.
Thanks guys. I feel stupid for not realizing you switch the needles. I never even thought of that. Do they pop right off? I guess you use a latex glove to switch them? As for injecting every three days or twice a week instead of just once per week, I just heard it was a good idea. My doc said he didn't think it mattered either way. I may opt to shoot once a week, especially when I add HCG, which also has to be injected. The fewer needle sticks the better.
Thanks guys. I feel stupid for not realizing you switch the needles. I never even thought of that. Do they pop right off? I guess you use a latex glove to switch them? As for injecting every three days or twice a week instead of just once per week, I just heard it was a good idea. My doc said he didn't think it mattered either way. I may opt to shoot once a week, especially when I add HCG, which also has to be injected. The fewer needle sticks the better.

thats fine, but you can't add Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to your test inject. Plus, you wanna do your Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) sub-q with a SLin pin.
Right, you have to shoot Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) subcutaneously on days when you don't shoot test intramuscularly is my understanding. Also, you use an insulin pin for HCG, right? SLin probably means insulin pin.
Right, you have to shoot Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) subcutaneously on days when you don't shoot test intramuscularly is my understanding. Also, you use an insulin pin for HCG, right? SLin probably means insulin pin.

Yes a slin pin is a insulin pin