Kaotik Chemistry -- terrible service


New member
I ordered myself a couple kits, liquid nolva and clomid from Kaotik Chemistry and go the package a day late. One whole kit is also missing. This is the worst service ever. Anyone else ever have these kind of problems with them?

And BTW I used the exact format they recommend on the ordering page for my email to them so it's definately their fault not mine.
Also the top to the magic solution is not crimped, it only has a rubber top that folds over the edges of the bottle. Will this hold when boiling the bottle on the stovetop?
A day late is not bad at all.

A missing kit is more of a problem, I would certainly email/call them about the missing kit and find out what the problem is. It might be on backorder and they just shipped out what they had to you so you would get some of your stuff now instead of having to wait a week or two for everything.

I am not positive what the rubber stopper you have is like, but if it's what I'm thinking, it should be fine. Also, you don't want to boil a sealed vial anyways, that would be extremely dangerous.

Another point is that this is entirely the wrong forum to bring up an initial complaint about a company, especially a company that is about to help you become a felon. Whatever happened to trying to fix a problem? Bitching about it in an open forum like this only makes it personal, and based on what you wrote would not make me shy away from this company because you seem unreasonable to say the least.
No I did contact them. Im still waiting for a reply. I was just wondering if this has ever happened to anyone else with them because everytime I saw their link here people raved about how great their service is. If it is like you think it might be they could have at least told me that they were going to send one later. I didn't get any notices so that's why I was a bit angry before. :(
they are doing you a favor not the other way around. learn patience of get out of the game. this aint walmart.

how was that tex? to the point without being rude or belittling. i think i can get the hang of this being unbiased stuff. =0)
TxLonghorn said:
A day late is not bad at all.

A missing kit is more of a problem, I would certainly email/call them about the missing kit and find out what the problem is. It might be on backorder and they just shipped out what they had to you so you would get some of your stuff now instead of having to wait a week or two for everything.

I am not positive what the rubber stopper you have is like, but if it's what I'm thinking, it should be fine. Also, you don't want to boil a sealed vial anyways, that would be extremely dangerous.

Another point is that this is entirely the wrong forum to bring up an initial complaint about a company, especially a company that is about to help you become a felon. Whatever happened to trying to fix a problem? Bitching about it in an open forum like this only makes it personal, and based on what you wrote would not make me shy away from this company because you seem unreasonable to say the least.

TX, not to jump off topic, but can't you bake using a sealed vial just as long as you put a pin in there to aspirate? Or did I read this wrong?
he's talking about boiling a sealed vial....if you vent the vial, water will steep into the vial during the boiling process and itll be a pain in the arse to get out completely.
Ok I have sent two emails to them and not one reply. I sent one yesterday one today. Im starting to get abit nervous as I had it planned to start monday. This is totally screwing up my cycle. I already made one bottle but that's for a friend. I guess we can share until I get my own. :(
There is nothing, i mean nothing worse than coming to realize that you have like 3 days or so to get another bottle made up or in your hands and 5-6 weeks left of a cycle...do yourself a favour and wait till u got the other bottle in ur posession fully made up
Well right now Im hoping that they will find it in their hearts to email me back. Usually they respond within a day. It has been two days and two emails later, nothing. Im beginnning to lose hope. :( If they can see this please guys help me out here. I mean at least if they don't have anymore at least they could tell me what's going on. Daamit. :(
bro sometimes they take a couple days or so to get back...prolly they are backed up on orders or something...could be anything...
pullinbig said:
how was that tex? to the point without being rude or belittling. i think i can get the hang of this being unbiased stuff. =0)


As for the initial problem...see if there is a phone number you can call. If not, see if you can find anybody who has used them that might know the guy or has some pull with them.
That was the first thing I looked for but no number is posted. I think it's just one guy that runs it so I don't blame him for not being able to keep up, but I can't seem to find anyone that knows him personally. I'm going to try to ask my post office if there's a second package there with my name on it just in case they forgot to give it to me when I picked up this one. It's worth a shot until KC replies to my emails.
Finally got the guy through an email. He says he's gonna ship it out Monday morning. :) This is great news, except I didn't include my address on this email, and he only got one of my three emails to him. This means I have to send a bunch more with my address to make sure he gets it. I hope I don't bother him too much.
This ain't Wal-Mart but sometimes if you don't bug people they will take advantage of your time by taking their time. If someone messes with your money I beleive you have the right to bitch as I've gotten my money back a few times after waiting months by doing so.
i used Kaotik ONCE...on my last Liquid Nolvadex order. It came in a rubber fold-over stopper on the bottle (chintzy) and the powder was "chunky" in the solution! It wouldn't even go through a measured stopper, was impossible to guage the dose (chunks) and was not very sterile (poor rubber nipple of a stoper). It also took twice as long to arrive versus other labs (LR, UK, etc.). Kaotik's prices (cheapest on the net) were my reason for trying them...but i got what I paid for! Never again.