Keep going or stop the Tren now ?


New member
This cycle was my first with Tren ... and it's everything I read it was to be as far as results in body comp changes. As for the sides , I had none ; no cough, no night sweats, no shut down ( actually I'm hornier than ever ). It's just been a great first ride with the stuff ... and can't wait unbtil I can do it again.

Originally I set out for this to be 12 weeks of Test LE at 600/week with the Tren E at 300/week for the first 8 weeks. I had a couple guys suggest that since it's been going so well and I'm not fighting any nasty sides with the Tren, I should extend the Tren for another two weeks. I'm started week eight today with Thurs scheduled as the last Tren shot this cycle.

Of course I loved hearing that suggestion but when researching Tren I always read not to take Tren longer than 8 weeks your first time.

Any thought on this from experianced Tren users ?

One other question ; My goals with the Tren was not for additional size but to get rid of some excess fat while maintaining my weight and size, which it met all my expectations. My diet was lean, keeping calories a couple hundred under maintainence.

My question is this ; While off the Tren cyle, as long as I continue to eat lean like I have been ( no problem doing so ) can I expect the fat to stay off or is there some sort of fat-gaining rebound effect going to happen regardless what I eat or do ?
VJ said:
no shut down ( actually I'm hornier than ever ).
er.....if you are running trenbolone, then you are shut down.

But thanks to the exogenous testosterone, you have lots of testosterone in your system, still.
There isn't any golden rule that you can't run trenbolone longer than eight weeks. I know at least one guy that ran trenbolone at ~2g/week for 6 months, I do believe.

AAS use is not healthy, so you must balance the positives/negatives as appropriate.
PCT is a lot easier & shorter after 8 weeks then longer cycles. I would cycle off for 6-8 weeks and then go back on myself.
I had to stop mine at week 6 becuase Gyno set in, since ive stopped all is peachy. I was supposed to run it 8 weeks.