keeping gain from androlic tabs


New member
iam thinking about starting androlic, but is worried about loosing all of my gain after the cycle.? is there any possiblity to not lose all\most of it.?
right now i live in IRAQ used to be in denmark, so there not much to ask here, but i can get the REAL androlic here, that good, ans whats the best cycle,?
That is the strongest oral I have ever taken. Better throw test in with it if you want to keep any of your gains. I would run at least 12 weeks test or your choice and arimidex is much needed here. I wouldnt run that anadrol for longer than 4 weeks. Just 50mg a day did amazing strength for me.
If you keep your eating and training the same sfter your cycle you should be able to keep those gains.miss a meal or change your training intensity and you will start to lose it.