Keto diet and first test cycle


New member
Hi everyone
Newby here

I have been on a keto diet for maybe 4 months now <20g off carbs
Have dropped from 14 stone to 11 stone 10
Bf around 12%
Age 30, 5ft10
Calls aroung 1900 to 2000 (still struggling with the lower abs)

My question is
I am going to be running my first cycle off test
Originally i was going to run anavar by itself but have opted for test

Can i stay on the keto diet and have my usual saturday or sunday carb up
My goal is to put on lean mass and get the abs out
I am not expecting to pack on much size

Also i will be running n2guard from start off cycle
And will have AI ready incase
And a pct for afer
All advice or criticisms welcome

Thanks for your help
Are you male or female? Your posts leaves that a little ambiguous (e.g. consideration of anavar only cycle).
I was on a very strict keto for a while and hit a plateau. There is only so much meat & vegetables you can cram down your throat.

Found I needed to add back some carbs to make gains.
Sorry im male

Liking keto just now
Bodys reacting quite well

Just wondering if anyone had tried staying in keto in a slight deficit or maintenance cals and using test

Im not that keen to come off keto so was looking for some advice
Or even im im being stupid for to be told straight lol

Thanks everyone
Lost your complete cycle plan including pct.
Having an ai in case is useless. You need to use it from beginning of cycle up to pct...
Is n2guard not ok for that ??
Or shouod intake a AI and n2 guard?

Not sure what u mean with the first part
But its be 300mg a wee off test for 10 weeks
But the cycle hasent been fully confirmned as ik trying to het my diet rite first (stay on keto or not )

Thanks for reply
You will be fine, or maybe even better than fine, staying keto. I would expect you to emerge ripped with low bf and a nice 6 pack. But you will struggle if your goal is to pack on more lean muscle mass.

The AI comment above means you need either arimidex or aromasin, and you need to take it from day 1 though the cycle. You won't need much dosage, the 500 test/wk stickies have dosing recommendations, you could back off them a bit for 300/wk.

Please post your progress, I'll be interested to see if you hit your bf goals and then decide to add in some carbs to gain more muscle.
Thanks you for ur reply
This was what i was hoping to see

I have done alot off reading
Maybe to much elsewhere as u can read some messed up avice lol

But this has been great
I will post a foto before and after
And will start with 250/300 per week
Maybe for 10 weeks and will run an AI as advised above

Look forward to starting
Using the next 2 weeks to drip as much fat as poss and will take it from there

Thank you
Can i also ask
Is 10 weeks the shortest advised course? And also how do i turn on notifications
Its not alerting me that i have a reply etc
Sorry if thats a stupid question
Found the notification page

Also when i was about 22
I tooks oxy tablets then test and sus injectable
Had no sides apart from a few spots

Never used a pct or AI
Which was stupid but i had bad advice

Do u think this means my body will handle test ok ?
I know its impossible to say but is that kinda a re assurance i suppose ?

Found the notification page

Also when i was about 22
I tooks oxy tablets then test and sus injectable
Had no sides apart from a few spots

Never used a pct or AI
Which was stupid but i had bad advice

Do u think this means my body will handle test ok ?
I know its impossible to say but is that kinda a re assurance i suppose ?


It means nothing based on previous experience. Who knows how good that gear was, and you were younger as well.
Always have AI on hand, and always use PCT. No reason to skimp on that, ever.

And with Keto and better me getting more than 2000k calories. You should be getting 2k at least from fat, and another 1000-1200 calories from protein. 3k calories minimum. I've done 4k calories on Keto before, and not gained much fat. Check out Charles Poliquin diets for ideas and science.
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Thanks for your reply
Whats tge best AI ?

Im on pretty low calories just now as im trying to shift the last few lbs at my lower abs but incant wait to up the cals past 3k like uve suggested

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Are we allowed to ask
But all in for a beginers cycle off test and the Ai and pct
What kinda @345678)&^^%^ are we talking ?
