"Kick in" time and muscle building.


New member
I'm used to using short esters but have grown tired of pinning almost ED. Gotta travel with juice and needles just to stay over at the ladies house to make sure u get my dose in but that's just a small rant-

What I keep reading about are these "kick in times" where people FEEL the gear, but let's clear one thing up and hopefully someone has an answer.

Does long ester gear START working ATLEAST a week after first injection? Like does it START AIDING in building muscle?
Because I can't imagine that the muscle building starts working 4-6 weeks in when you start feeling something like Tren E.

I'm HOPING that I'm building some nice muscle a few days or a week after my first Tren E inj. Or else long esters are a waste. And if so, then I guess we really don't need to "FEEL" it for something to work huh?
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long esters take a little longer to build up in your system. if you are switching esters just run the short and with the long and taper the short esters 2-3 into the long ..simple..
long esters take a little longer to build up in your system. if you are switching esters just run the short and with the long and taper the short esters 2-3 into the long ..simple..

I know it takes longer to "kick in" but my question is, since I still have the hormone in me, am I building muscle and reaping its benefits before it even "peaks" or "kicks in"?
Think of those long esters as time released medications. You're also not getting quite as much mg/ml as you are w short esters.
Think of those long esters as time released medications. You're also not getting quite as much mg/ml as you are w short esters.

I make life more complicated for myself and dose it based on actual hormone after the ester is cleaved lol. 250mg Tren E= 175mg Actual Tren. Hence that's how I dose it.
I know it takes longer to "kick in" but my question is, since I still have the hormone in me, am I building muscle and reaping its benefits before it even "peaks" or "kicks in"?

Esterfied hormones rise in your bloodstream on a logarithmic curve. They have a very steady, but gradual climb that typically peaks at around the four week mark as that's roughly four half-lives of the ester. What does that mean in your case? That depending on the dose, you could reach supraphysiological levels within a week of pinning.

It won't be as effective as it is at full saturation, but this is how short cycles are ran with long esters. (NOT for the inexperienced) So yes, you do benefit once the hormone reaches levels above the ones you're replacing (or equivalent), which depends on dose.

My .02c :)
long esters take a little longer to build up in your system. if you are switching esters just run the short and with the long and taper the short esters 2-3 into the long ..simple..
A B -off shore rating, Able Body ?
- Gang affiliation Aryan Brotherhood ?

Both ?
I know it takes longer to "kick in" but my question is, since I still have the hormone in me, am I building muscle and reaping its benefits before it even "peaks" or "kicks in"?

Gotcha. If you're going to taper and add the transition would be fine. Building muscle takes time and if you're switching esters there won't be a time where you'll be catabolic. Yes you're reaping the benefit of the hormone before it peaks as long as your not running calorie deficit or anything. Don't think about it too much cause it shouldn't be this technical.
Gotcha. If you're going to taper and add the transition would be fine. Building muscle takes time and if you're switching esters there won't be a time where you'll be catabolic. Yes you're reaping the benefit of the hormone before it peaks as long as your not running calorie deficit or anything. Don't think about it too much cause it shouldn't be this technical.

Thanks guys. Haha yea I tend to get super technical and anal (not literally LOL) about these things ... These things cost some good money I'm trying to reap the best benefits from them and my diet!
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Thanks guys. Haha yea I tend to get super technical and anal (not literally LOL) about these things ... These things cost some good money I'm trying to reap the best benefits from them and my diet!

250mg tren= 225mg actual tren if taken via suppository. Think about it.