Kickboxing vs. bodybuilding


New member
Would an endomorph or mesendo or endo-meso individual get to 6-8% BF faster following a kickboxing style training program (diet close to BB but not pre-contest macros, eating exactly the same shit each day, etc) or a BB program gaining quality mass first before cutting up due to not having that much mass? Individual has from 15-18% BF. Thanks.
Well thats a loaded question. What kind of kick boxing? ACTUAL kick boxing or the aerobic kick boxing classes for fat house wives?
Actual kick boxing classes. All my life Ive been kinda chubby. When I turned 17, I got into BB, bulked up got fat, then got leaner but never really below 14%. Many people told me to gain more mass which I do need as I hate looking small but the fat is still there. I have a plain diet I eat but I dont know how much longer I can go on without seeing my BF drop because I only do this to look good and be healthy, not for competing in PLing or BBing. So as much as I need more mass, I keep getting told adding it burns fat on its own but I dont see how that can happen. My face also stays bloated because I dont do cardio being told that its a mass killer. And really, when Im doing some high intensity shit involving cardio, and i sweat, i look leaner, feel better and am more motivated. Im sick of this lazy shit. Im not an ecto. I gain mass easily but I also gain fat too. Now my diet is real plain. Something like this:

Meal 1 (7am) – ½ cup (dry measure) oatmeal, 8 scrambled egg whites

Meal 2 (10:00am) – piece of fruit & protein shake

Meal 3 (1:00pm) – 2 grilled chicken breasts, 3/4 cup (dry measure) brown rice, salad

Meal 4 ( 3:00pm) – 6oz can or bag of tuna & piece of fruit

Meal 5 (7:00pm) – 2 grilled chicken breasts, small baked potato, green vegetable

Meal 6 (9:00pm) – protein shake & piece of fruit

But I look different each day, sometimes more bloated and it really fuckin pisses me off. I got into this shit to get rid of that bloated face (which is fat) and this fat shit. Not to stay like this forever. Its not knowing what to do that really pisses me off and alot of advice out there is bad because its tailored for their body. I know someone or two that eat junk each day and have chiseled faces/bods. I dont have that shit ok? Fuck.
Well if you have endo genes your body is going to fight you harder than most others' to get lean. I would say its possible, but its going to be a hell of a lot of work, and it will be harder to maintain also. I suppose pics would give us a better impression of what you're working with, but sub 10% without steroids is probably unrealistic unless you're willing to shave off most the muscle.
ManOfMuscle said:
Well if you have endo genes your body is going to fight you harder than most others' to get lean. I would say its possible, but its going to be a hell of a lot of work, and it will be harder to maintain also. I suppose pics would give us a better impression of what you're working with, but sub 10% without steroids is probably unrealistic unless you're willing to shave off most the muscle.

My genetics are not as bad as you think though. I mentioned I am a combo of both endo and meso because I'm not a fat fuck nor does my body take the shape of a pure endo (big waist, balloon looking, etc). I have a naturally small waist. I'm about a 31-32" waist right now even with the BF I carry. I get mixed opinions on my BF. One nutritionist told me (after seeing pics) that i'm 9%. Another said I was like 22%. I figure I'm somewhere in between. I took a bf test but with calipers only and was 13.9% my leanest but I'm probably a tad higher than that right now so about 14-15% IMO. I dont show abs, have a gut etc. The nutr. that claimed i'm 9% mentioned that is not the fat you measure, its lack of detail, etc. He knew I didnt have abs but to me 9% is ripped showing abs, etc.
yeahbuddeh! said:
My genetics are not as bad as you think though. I mentioned I am a combo of both endo and meso because I'm not a fat fuck nor does my body take the shape of a pure endo (big waist, balloon looking, etc). I have a naturally small waist. I'm about a 31-32" waist right now even with the BF I carry. I get mixed opinions on my BF. One nutritionist told me (after seeing pics) that i'm 9%. Another said I was like 22%. I figure I'm somewhere in between. I took a bf test but with calipers only and was 13.9% my leanest but I'm probably a tad higher than that right now so about 14-15% IMO. I dont show abs, have a gut etc. The nutr. that claimed i'm 9% mentioned that is not the fat you measure, its lack of detail, etc. He knew I didnt have abs but to me 9% is ripped showing abs, etc.
if this is for real kickboxing training than yes with a good diet you will shed the weight.i got in a boxing gym and lost 110lbs.
allen1980 said:
if this is for real kickboxing training than yes with a good diet you will shed the weight.i got in a boxing gym and lost 110lbs.

I understand weight can be shed but its alot harder going from 15% to 8% than it is coming from a real high bf like 30-40% down to 18-20%. The body is MORE resistant to losing fat at a leaner BW.

I do want more mass but I'm not trying to get so big and ripped. I just want to be muscular and lean (under 10%) and not be skinny. I'm expecting to do a cycle to get ripped because I just dont think it can happen naturally the BB way. I would do it without the cycle but I just dont think its going to happen.
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