cbpumped said:
If it were me I would follow the pointing your feet out 30 degrees suggestion. That is a more natural motion than straight foward when squatting. Use a smith machine and extend your feet further out so that you leaning into the bar. This will take some pressure off the knee and your back for that matter and cause the quad to do all the work. You can wrap the knee as well not a bad idea. Don't do super heavy weights do medium weights and higher reps. This will really warm the muscles up and lube the knee area. I'm not sure explosive motions is a good idea. I think slow tight form is much better in a situation like this. You can get good growth from your legs with medium weight and higher reps. Don't go so light you quit the set out of bordem but don't put so much on that your going to injure your knee. If it is and injury that has healed but has scar tissue the higher reps will help you break down the scar tissue otherwise it may be worse. Good luck.
---CBP, I KNOW you have good intentions with that advice, but that's the worst possible thing he can do with a knee problem. I was suckered into doing smith squats instead of free weights, by the people telling me, "it's easier on your knees, takes the pressure off your back, and works only the quads." Well, after 3-4 months on the smith, I had knee problems (which I'd never had before), a bad back, and I had lost over 100 pounds on my free weight squat (385, at the middle of my senior year of high school, to less than 275 at the end of it).
The method you're describing, does FEEL like it puts everything on the quads, but it also puts an amazing amount of tension and shear force on the knees. Shear force is the worst thing you can have for joint health and regenerative capacity, considering that his knee problems probably come from tendinitis or chondromalacia.
---Pipes, stopping at 90 degrees is another of the worst things he can do for a knee problem, IMO. The knee is at it's anatomically weakest position at a 90, so it is actually healthier to stop higher (NOT what you'd want to do) or go lower, i.e. ATF squats. Stopping at ~90degrees will most likely only aggravate the knees further.