ladies I'm back - A little advice by persoanl experiences :-)

I ran 15 mg of var... It was like the tren train for me. I swear I could've ripped someones head off and sit down to dinner without a second thought. Crazy!! I saw the words 30 & 40mg of var and my hairs stood on end everywhere. I know for my own use I cannot go over 15mg ED ... I don't want to end up with a felony. LOL

No joke! My biggest fear is SNAPPING! I haven't tried var yet, I am just starting to look around and learn about it but I've always been interested in cycling. My friend orders (not var, something else mainly for men) from somewhere that after researching is not reputable at all and he told me that if I'm already and edgy person, then var will increase that. I wondered if he noticed these effects because he got dodgy gear. but maybe not. Eek! I already feel the need to kick someones arse if they look at me sideways. Would you say that you have a short fuse naturally?