ladies...please help!!


New member
Hey girls...I have a few q's for those that are intense trainies. Up until a wek ago, Ive been easy going as far as dieting goes. Ive had much experience dieting and training in the past, and have always gotten good results. For the past two weeks, Ive been right back on track with my diet, and have been training with weights 5 times a week along with am cardio. My cals are probably around 1400 per day...and not to mention low carbs. My problem is that I weighed myself for the first time last Sunday, and I was 137 lbs. and Im 5'9. I didnt gain a whole lot of fat, but when I stepped on the scale today, I was 141. How is it possible that I put on weight, when my diet is keyed in, and Im doing cardio? My only thought was it could be water retention, but my period isnt due until next week. Please help!!!
If you're training and eating right you'll be adding muscle and that's the cause of the weight gain. You know muscle gain weighs in heavier than any fat gain, yes?

Nobody believes my weight; I'm 5ft 3" and relatively lean looking yet I weigh 140lbs.

I have a very hard time going on the scales myself so I tend to avoid it at all costs. It can mess with your mind! It depends on your goals though. If anything measure your fat and not your overall body weight ... or use the mirror and your clothes as your guide.
body weight fluctuates anyway depending on how much water/muscle glycogen you're holding. in my case it can account for up to 7pounds. weigh yourself frequently and do it first thing in the morning to get the best idea of what's happening with your body weight.
When did you get on the scale, the same time as before? If so then it could be as stated above water and glycogen in the muscles. All depends on little stuff like this.
I definately believe that most of this is muscle gain, but I look extremely bloated and look it. Im wondering if artificial sweeteners have anything to do with retention....I havent cut those out. But in less than a week a 5 lb gain?
From what it sounds like, you've gained some muscle but you might be retaining a bit of water as well. Double check your diet to make sure that you aren't incidentally eating anything that might promote the water retention.
No....Ive never done a cycle and never plan to get that big. Just curious as to whats causing all this. Ive never had this much problems with dieting.