Lagging Body Parts and Recovery Rates


New member
It's well known that recovery is increased by a huge amount on AAS, however by how much would u say?

Lets go with the typical cycle of just test. Before talking about other compounds being added.

I am aware thats it's 48 hours for a natural to recovery fully, but can this time be decreased to 24 hrs if diet and AAS is on point?

I myself train 6 days a week with a Push Pull Legs, Rest, Push, Pull, Legs.

I was thinking of making use of that rest day and train up some lagging parts such as Bi,Tri, Traps. I would be training Tri again the next day however doing this. So I'm not sure. Just wondering if anyone has any extra feedback or information to put in.

Thanks as usual friends.
youre looking for a black and white answer, and there isn't one to give..

remember, even with anabolics, your rate of recovery is divided into multiple things which include rest, stress, genetics, nutrition etc..
this question interest me as well, I think still for main exercises I would wait 1 day between to recover, I'm doing for example bench press after I have at least 2 full days to recover otherwise results are worse, so with AAS I think I could have just 1 rest day.
youre looking for a black and white answer, and there isn't one to give..

remember, even with anabolics, your rate of recovery is divided into multiple things which include rest, stress, genetics, nutrition etc..

So the only way to answer this is by trial and error I suppose then