Laid Off! Advice Needed


New member
Well, I joined another brotherhood (of the unemployed) yesterday. So given my rather specialized profession, as well as the economy and my age, it could be a year or more to find a new job. I need to economize now. Which leads me seek advice from my brothers:

I've been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for almost a year now. Should I contemplate attempting a restart aka cashout's Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) EXIT STRATEGY, or just try to lower my test, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), and Anastrozole to lower my costs? Of course, neither option is ideal.

Thanks in advance!

to tell you the truth, typical testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dosages usually do not go over 50-75 mlg 2x's a week, (individually specific that is) so if u wanted to lower ur dosages, id actually lower them to the 50mlg 2x's a week for about 4-6 weeks and actually drop the Aromatase inhibitor (AI), to see how much test is actually converting, then from the time u get blood work done, u will know how much test is being converted to e2, and can decide on an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and amount, if needed, then if u add in Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), one would simply ad in their Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), and re-test blood in about 4-6 weeks to see how much more e2 is being seen, and thus again alter ones Aromatase inhibitor (AI),

plus with lower test shots and hcg shots one should not convert much test to e2 but everyone is different!

this way should save u tons of cash! because ur test will be stretched out longer,

u might have to slowly start lowering ur amounts being pinned depending on how much u r pinning currently! so u dont crash, or become extremely lethargic,
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Hate to hear that. In short. If you don't have a nice level of T, you job prospects will be low. You need confidence more now than ever. If it was me I would just do t and drop the rest. Eat healthy.
Hate to hear that. In short. If you don't have a nice level of T, you job prospects will be low. You need confidence more now than ever. If it was me I would just do t and drop the rest. Eat healthy.

DITTO. And find an inexpensive OTC Estrogen Blocker.
PM me and I can share a good one
Doesnt sound like kids are in the future... Drop HCG and that will also lower your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dose.
Thanks everyone! I'll consider all of your responses and consult with Maximus as well. I did consider the confidence factor. Too bad I don't have a crystal ball so I could know how long till employment. Then I could calculate costs etc. and make my decision. (Or I could just use the crystal ball to get the winning Powerball numbers and forget looking for a job!) :laugh4:
Go with UG you will save a lot of money and won't have to worry about lowering doses nor quitting testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) :) I did try UG when I was self medicating. I also ran blood test to check how potent stuff was and with doses of 120 Cypionate plus 2x 250 HCG a week my blood results came: total testsosterone 1300 ng/dl, free test 36 pg/ml and with only 25 pg/ml of estradiol. AS aromatase inhibitor I have been taking 0.25g of Arimidex E2D and some time later Exemestane, but the test was done when I was on Arimidex. UG stuff is really gtg but you have to know from whom you should get it and what brand.
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Doesnt sound like kids are in the future... Drop HCG and that will also lower your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dose.

I'm with you on this one. You may not even need a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if you drop the HCG.

How much test are you currently taking?
or if u lower both the test and hcg to 2 shots a week, at low amounts u might not need one either :)
I'd drop the HCG and go with 150mg of Test every 6 days and take 2mg of Anastrozole spreadout throughout the week and you should be good! Divide the doses up using a pill splitter! In my opinion that would cut your cost big time!
Thanks for the support and ideas guys! Someone asked how much test I've been taking. I have been taking 0.6 ml of the 210 mg/l cyp every 5 days, but have been taking a lot of anastrozole (0.5 mg/day). I really need to get some blood work done to see where I am. Chip had suggested increasing HCG to try to get my libido going, but that really hasn't helped there, so I might as well go back down to the original dose.

Thanks again!
Thanks for the support and ideas guys! Someone asked how much test I've been taking. I have been taking 0.6 ml of the 210 mg/l cyp every 5 days, but have been taking a lot of anastrozole (0.5 mg/day). I really need to get some blood work done to see where I am. Chip had suggested increasing HCG to try to get my libido going, but that really hasn't helped there, so I might as well go back down to the original dose.

Thanks again!

That's ALOT of AI....what symptoms are occurring that is prompting you to take so much AI?
Gyno. Started when I was adolescent. Definitely don't want them getting any bigger. On "normal" doses my E2 was in the upper 30's at the lowest. Chip had me taking 1mg/day for a week when I first went with Maximus, and it went all the way down to 12. (And I had no symptoms of E2 crashing.) I'm guessing with 0.5/day I'm in the 20's, but I'm planning for a blood test soon to know for sure.
Well knowing more about your situation, I would consider more frequent injections of T like E3D. Still dropping the HCG and maybe a tiny bit of anastrozole in your case to keep your e levels down. Here's why e3d, you won't peak at high levels that will just go straight to e anyways. And your trough will be the same. In your case that's 75mg e3d, because you would be dropping Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), I would round up the T. I'm also not a Dr., so I would also be asking Maximus for there advise. Wish you luck dude.
Gyno. Started when I was adolescent. Definitely don't want them getting any bigger. On "normal" doses my E2 was in the upper 30's at the lowest. Chip had me taking 1mg/day for a week when I first went with Maximus, and it went all the way down to 12. (And I had no symptoms of E2 crashing.) I'm guessing with 0.5/day I'm in the 20's, but I'm planning for a blood test soon to know for sure.

I would DEFINITELY stay on your CURRENT Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if it is working for you!
And once again, Good Luck with everything David!