large amount of gh!


New member
i heard from a very ,very reliable source what a pro does a day of gh.. he said jay does 26 iu a day... anyone no anyone who does close to this amount? he also does 16 units of slin a day..
Trusting sources about what professional bodybuilders use in terms of drugs and/or doses is not a wise move.
Aboot said:
Trusting sources about what professional bodybuilders use in terms of drugs and/or doses is not a wise move.
i'm not going to do that much !! sounds a little dangerous and you got to have some money for that much..
BALLER said:
will you see anything with 2 iu a day say for 8 months.size wise that is?

Not likely.

You will probably see a bit of fat loss, and a much better over all feeling, but nothing for size. I ran 2 & 3 and got nothing for size, but could eat birthday cake twice a day and lose fat.

I have been running 4 iu for size for a couple of months and will likely kick it up to 5 in another month or two. Sad to say, but my lifting has really dropped off due to some other training, so I can't give a good report of what 4iu is doing...other than holding my size well in the face of a pretty good bit of physical exhaustion and a mediocre diet.
I would NOT be surprised if that's how much Jay is taking... 16 IUs of slin sounds on the low side
yeah that is probably a feasible dose for a pro, I wouldnt be surprised if he went higher, his slin dose seems low, my buddy whose a beast but no where near ifbb pro does 30ius per dose when he runs slin, yes its mainly genetics, but i guarentee those pros take advantage of their mendable genetics to the fullest and use as much gear as they can aslong as it keeps them growing