last anti e question

femara or aromasin works beter as an anti e. im g2 take that with test enath for 10 weeks .. id like to keep as much bloat off as i can
If you are just running Test Enanthate itself, then get the cheapest anti-e you can find. Thats just me mind you, but I still don't get guys paying $3 a tab for frickin anti-e's!!?!?! N'dex works well enough and is dirt cheap. Depending on the dose of the T. Enan., you should be able to get away with 20mgs/day. Perhaps 10. I'm not sure about the two you mentioned as far as the better drug though. Hell, I don't even know what they are to be honest. I do know though, that you definitely don't need some fancyshmancy overpriced anti-e, if you are only taking T.E alone.
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But not only will femera, arimidex, and aromasin help against gyno but it will keep the bloat(estrogen) down. Aromasin is my choice, especially since it wont affect your lipid profile, as for price:D