Last pics taken before the pre-contest diet.

Frontside looks real good bro, back is abit hard to see but might need some more work. Will be nice to see how it looks shredded. Good luck!
Show is on May 13th, so I am dieting for about 19 weeks.

As far as my back. I agree that in the pics it looks bad. i think alot has to do with me not being cut yet. As I get leaner it looks 10x better.
what type of diet are you following, how about 'supplements"? tell us your plan and strategy if you will...............
This is not my 1st show, this will be my 6th.

I just got off my cycle about a month ago. So currently am on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) at about 500mg/week. I will stay on this until about the middle of Feb. Then go on my contest cycle. Which will be Test Prop, EQ, maybe some Tren, and some Halos at the end.

As far as diet, it consists mainly of these foods:

Red Potatoes
Flax seed oil
Natty peanut butter
and whey protein

I am not counting calories as of yet. I stay on the same eating program all year long, but when I am bulking I add in extras, Like going out to eat and some junk food.
So the first month is really just cleaning up my diet and sticking strictly to the main program.
The first month I also am starting my cardio. It starts at just 30-40min on tradmill or bike for about 4-5 days/week. Gradually that will increase and I will eventually be doing double sessions of cardio per day about 7 days/week.
You look good, nice and even through out. You're a thick waisted guy by the looks of things so if those wings come out more the upper body looks well put together, good job and good luck.