last Q...


New member
Got my raw materials today safe and easy. no probs whatsoever...
Got a couple Q's bout what im orderin...

BA = Benzyl Alcohol
BB = Benzyl Benzoate thats right isnt it?

-- How much BA and BB should i get? would 100ml of each be sufficient for tons of conversions??
--Where can i get decent filters at a cheaper price? i would like to get about 50 or so cheap....since i need a bunch for my conversions...
not sure about the cheapest place for filters, but yeah, get 100ml of each for the bb and ba. grab some peg from the smame place for orals and winny.

we have a cheap source for bulk in the US, not sure if they ship to Canada.
n/m bout ba and bb...ill stick to 100ml of should be enough..if not ill just order more...
now i gotta hunt for the smallest gel caps i can find....and a filler machine for it too...any ideas? im looking for sizes 3-5..if possible...
Cap-m-quik machine. Search on google and you shoudl be able to find one for a pretty cheap price.
yeah, cap-m-quik is good, but they dont cap the size i want to cap....too big of caps IMO....
im trying to find smaller caps and machine.... has a capsule filling machine. I don't know if thats what you want though, I just remember seeing it once.