Last thoughts before I start the d-bol tomorrow?


New member
So I'm beginning week 3 of a test prop 150 mg e/o/d cycle. I'm going to run 50 mg's of dbol e/d (should I only run 25 mg's since it's my first????), starting tomorrow. This is my first cycle. I'm running 25 mg's of aromasin as well e/d. My question is, is the dbol dosage too high for a noob to use? I'm using pinnacle labs for everything I'm running.

Age: 22
Weight: 186 (gained 11 pounds at the end of week 2 on pure test prop)
Height: 5' 9"

Is there going to be considerable bloat even though I'm running 25mg's of aromasin everyday? Please, advise me on the dosage for the dbol as well. I heard pinnacles dbol is strong. I'm going to take 2 doses everyday.
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for me 50mg of dbol is too much water..25 to 30mg dosage is is up to u....i ve ran it before at 20mg made great gains but lost all of them and i did not did the post cycle therapy (pct) and estrogen fucked me so bad and the i had to do a post cycle therapy (pct).....but again i would run it at 30mg max if im first time user
I've heard pin dbol is strong so just stick 2 25 mg. 1 first timer upped to 50 mg and said he started to rave naked around his house :D no joke....
Do you think I'm going to get facial acne using the dbol? I'm not too woried about bacne or shoulders. I just don't want it on my face.
25mg of DBOL is a VERY low dose even for a first time use at a minimum I would use 30mg ed a work up from their if the sides are not bad. DRINK PLENTY OF WATER!!!!! As far as acne cant tell you I never get that but I am 2 X your age also! LOL