Last years cutting result.


New member
Its from the middle of september to the middle of december.

I had been bulking on test only at 500mg/w and it was my first cycle. While running post cycle therapy (pct) i ran clen with a clean high protein and almost no carb diet.

My dream is to one day become a competitive bodybuilder. Though it's hard to with a limited budget, i hope to one day live the dream.

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Thanks! On the before picture i was weighing 210lbs. On the after picture i was 190lbs. I have no clue what my bf% is or was. But I did lose some muscle.
Thank you all, it really keeps me motivated! I'am 20 days out from starting my second cut. This time I'am aiming for a much lower bf%! I might make a log and post it when I'am done.
Great job, man

Whats your body type? ecto/mezo?

Thanks man.

I think I'am a mix of meso/endo, but most meso. Beceause I'am already 212 lbs. So iam larger than the before picture now, but my bf% is 2-3% lower, it is going up very quickly though.
Great job, man

Whats your body type? ecto/mezo?

Thanks man.

I think I'am a mix of meso/endo, but most meso. Beceause I'am already 212 lbs. So iam larger than the before picture now, but my bf% is 2-3% lower, it is going up very quickly though.