Lean enough for first cycle? Physique type goal


New member
Hi guys,

Looking to bite the bullet and run my first ever cycle. I have a physique type goal in mind and so although this is a mass cycle staying lean is definitely a priority. Ive cut down to around 12% bf i would say pics are attached. With my goals in mind I'm looking to run a calorie excess of 500 a day throughout my cycle pct and 2 months after to hold on to everything I've (hopefully) gained.

Would you say I'm lean enough now... or give it another 1 -2 months to drop another few pounds of fat?

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forgot to say, I'm planning a 12 week cycle, got hold of pharma grade sustanon 250 for 500mg for first 2 weeks followed by pharma test e 500mg for 10 weeks.
Dont do it brother.
The desicion is still your to take, an atmost our words will not impact what you do.. But I still have to state my opinion for you.

You look amazing, healthy, strong, and outright very capable of achieveing what you are looking for without steroids! There is a dangerous thing with anabolic steroids, drugs, and human-made stuff out there. By doing it, you feel a sensation you cant reach without! You think in another way! You dream in another way! You gain in another way! You Sex Girl in another way! But..... Once you quit the 500mg testosteron, you´ll fall to 0testosteron within 3-6days from here your body will battle to readjust its levels, and try to reach where you were before IF possible.

The sensation cannot be reached without... Alot of the muscle will be lost since you are not going to produce 500mg testosteron a week yourself. It will drive you to do it again, if not you´ll compare yourself to the feeling you had. And yep, you´ll never reach that without jabbing a needle in you again..

Stay clean, healthy and strong.. Just as nature made you.

For me? I did juice, I did get testicular cancer, I went through chemo, Removal of 1 testicle, other one was jabbed with a big fat needle. Testosteron sucked, im on TRT for life... I am no way close to what nature wanted for me, ive learned to live with it. Why did I get TC? Well some studies suggest steroids. TC is highly seen in scandanavia and other white countries.. Especially white people, wich could indicate that wealth has a part to say..
Lets with what are your stats?
Age, height, weight, training history.

You've talked about test dosage and didnt mention an AI, HCG, or what your PCT will consist of.
25, 5 foot 9, 170lbs cut from 191 to the 170 in the pics.

Been training for 8 years but about 3 years I've been 100% on my macros etc.

Was into more powerlifting/strength conditioning type stuff but now completely bodybuilding/physique focused.

Big 3 lifts (at 191) were
Bench 127.5 kg
Deadlift 220 kg
Squat 150kg

AI arimidex 0.25 ed
Nolva on hand for any gyno symps

Nolva and clomid for PCT standard dosages for a 12 week cycle.
Are you lean enough to run a cycle? Based on those pictures, damn right you are brother. And based on the quality and shape your achieved already you would BLOW up. Of course nutrition is key (which it looks like you already know something about) as well as proper training techniques and rest.

Id personally just run Test E for 12 weeks.

How much Sustanon do you have?
I can pick up the stuff anytime this week. Would you hop on now or cut further bearing in mind i want to remain lean as i possibly can obviously i know a good amount of fat is going to be laid down from running a calorie excess for 24 odd weeks, so would another month of dieting make any difference?

Got 1ml of sust 4 amps. so was gna run that as a "mini kickstart" as it has some prop in it. Dont want to run anything apart from test and dont want to run prop itself as dont want to pin more than 2 x a week
I am no diet guru so Ill leave that one for someone else, I just eat, lol.

Ya You can throw in the Sust at the beginning. But you prolly wont see much with only 4 amps brother. And the thing is the Prop ester is really best injected every other day, every 3rd day being max so it would be good if you could get a few more and lets say use that Sust to kick start for 4 weeks.

If you do plan on using this as a kick start make sure your starting you Sust and Test E at the same time, so that when the Prop wears of the Enanthate is already in full swing, or at least close to it.

IMHO though I think just 4 amps of sust as a kicker would be a waste, either don't pick it up or leave it for another time, or grab more E instead, or if its feesable grab a bunch and do a proper kick start!
Heres the problem with that.

Sustanon is made up of four different esters of Testosterone 2 short (Propionate, Phenylpropionate) these build up quicker in your blood stream, and two long (Isocaproate, Decanote) these take longer to build up in your blood stream. If you only have 4 amps that is not enough to achieve stable blood levels of any of those 4 esters so essentially, that's 4 amps down the drain.

Now, Enanthate is also a long ester and requires time to 'build up' in your system. This usually take a about 5 weeks give or take.

So if you did the method you stated then the first two week would be a waste, and now you only have 10 weeks to play with and since the Enanthate ester take about 5 weeks to kick in you really are only going to see the full potential of your cycle for 5 weeks. I don't know you but Id assume that's not what you want.

A proper Enanthate cycle should be at least 12 weeks (12 weeks being a good starting point for a beginner) and if a one want to use a kick start then it would look something like this.........

Weeks1-4 Test Prop (500mg/wk)
Weeks 1-12 Test Enan (500mg/wk)

And then PCT of course

Don't rush into doing a cycle because that's all the guy has, be patient, get all your ducks in a row then when everything is in place, give er, and make it happen in a big way.
Dont do it brother.
The desicion is still your to take, an atmost our words will not impact what you do.. But I still have to state my opinion for you.

You look amazing, healthy, strong, and outright very capable of achieveing what you are looking for without steroids! There is a dangerous thing with anabolic steroids, drugs, and human-made stuff out there. By doing it, you feel a sensation you cant reach without! You think in another way! You dream in another way! You gain in another way! You Sex Girl in another way! But..... Once you quit the 500mg testosteron, you´ll fall to 0testosteron within 3-6days from here your body will battle to readjust its levels, and try to reach where you were before IF possible.

The sensation cannot be reached without... Alot of the muscle will be lost since you are not going to produce 500mg testosteron a week yourself. It will drive you to do it again, if not you´ll compare yourself to the feeling you had. And yep, you´ll never reach that without jabbing a needle in you again..

Stay clean, healthy and strong.. Just as nature made you.

For me? I did juice, I did get testicular cancer, I went through chemo, Removal of 1 testicle, other one was jabbed with a big fat needle. Testosteron sucked, im on TRT for life... I am no way close to what nature wanted for me, ive learned to live with it. Why did I get TC? Well some studies suggest steroids. TC is highly seen in scandanavia and other white countries.. Especially white people, wich could indicate that wealth has a part to say..

If your so anti steroid why are u here?
Thanks for the heads up I had it working differently in my head thought the short ester would work as a kickstart and the long ester would work with the enth if you get me?. Obviously need to research bit more. My source has enough test e but only 10 weeks worth is pharma grade. Would u take UGL test?

49ER.... completely natty no pro hormones. Only supplement I've taken is regularly is creatine and took some pre workout about twice lol. Dont think I'm in that great a shape tbh. Lifts by internet standards anyway are below average. Probs the body dysmorphia and the fact that everyone cycles nowadays talking.
Ya do some more reading man, it never hurts its only makes things make sense. Then when youre ready to roll youll know exactly what you doing. Knowledge is key.

UGL test is all I run my friend.
cool il just pick up another 4 amps of test e instead. Thanks for the info much appreciated. Just one more question, how much fat do you typically gain from a mass cycle assuming your diet is in check, i know that question is how long is a piece of string but only thing I'm worried about is natty i will "bulk" to a point and can just decide to work back down to maintenance and begin a cut within 3-4 weeks. Obviously if i cycle i can't cut for a long time unless i want to loose all the gains.
ha thanks. i would of said my delts are probably weakest point, only just been able to start training shoulders after sorting out constant rotator cuff problems.
How much fat you will gain is ALL dependant on your diet, you may not gain very much depending on what you eat. Steroids themselves don't put on fat, same thing as steroids themselves don't put water weight on, that's an Estrogen issue.

I have for a very long time bulked lean, putting on some decent muscle with minimal fat while cycling. If you see some fat gain occurring just drop carbs man.