LEANING OUT!!! T3 Liquid vs. Pill


Figure Girl
Hey everyone! So, I know T3 doesnt work as well on woman as men. However, I took t3 and clen, doing 2 hours of cardio (keeping heart rate low) and 1 hr of lifting a day, w a completely CLEAN diet, for my cutting cycle. I was also taking GH (cutting cycke started about 5 or 6th month of GH) and STILL did not lose enought fat!
I am currently taking 15 mg of Anavar (var) (started at 10) and am in my 5th week. I HAVE GOTTEN MUCH STRONGER. I am holding water and I feel like I have gained a lot of muscle already. I have literally gotten multiple "wow, you're getn big" comments in the past week. I am only 5'4/5'5 and weigh 165lbs..and im by no means fat...but i need to start cutting and the Anavar (var) has so far only helped in gaining muscle (which is very easy for me) and NOT in leaning out. As I said b4, I took t3..in pill form. I pyramided up and down, highest at 50mgs.

So, here are my questions:

1) I am curious if liquid is better, and if so...how many mcgs should a woman peak at?

2) Does Anavar (var) tend to lean people out later in the cycle?

3)Does anyone have any comments regarding a clen cycle thats 2 days on 2days off OR 2 weeks on 2 weeks off...which do you think is better?
i prefer tabs over any liquid because liquid is more difficult to measure properly. other than that the strengths if dosed correctly by the supplier should be the same.

clen two weeks on two weeks off alternating with eca with diet and cardio nailed works wonders

t3 is usually not recommended for women though as it is catabolic and would require higher doses of steroids to counter the effect. what doses were you taking?
It has a likely hood that there are other Anavar (var) iables slowing your results rather than your gear...
- Overtraining!
- Clean diet can not be the best diet, it depends on how your body personally reacts and your carb sensitivity... I have mentioned it many times that I put on too much size with a clean diet consisting of starchy complex carbs etc... you may need to revamp your diet or maybe try a carb rotation.. there are so many ways of eating clean; finding the best for your personal metabolism is the key and the hard part ;)

As per Anavar (var) helping you gain muscle but not lean you out... Congrats! The Anavar (var) is working ;) It is doing what it is supposed to do; BUILD muscle.. Its not a fat burner. More lean muscle = less fat. So back to my first proposal, me thinks its your diet or training...

Im only new to wanting to try something more than thermo's. Infortunantly us aussies arnt that lucky when it comes to supplements that actually work as everything has been banned in this country. U can get gear in the black market at a price of course, im thinking of doing a cycle of something can you help me.
Ive tried jintropin once before but got to costly to maintain. i was thnking of Winstrol, is there anything you can suggest, as im wanting to maintain size and stip. Im 35 yrs old, 5'3 weighing 63 kilos. finding hard to lose the weight.im strating to increase my cardio as i hate doing so.
i also find it hard to hold muscle which i get frustrated about.
I have been using test boosters and tribulas but dont see much of a change, now i want to go the next level.
Please advice me on what i should do