Lean's Recent pics - starting Cycle

Hey Dude - thanks for the feedback. great that you have dropped some bf - hard to do in the winter -what changes did yu make in your diet?

I hear u about the "bloated" thing - u think that's the juice? too much salt? I'm drinking a TON of H2o these days.

THink the bloat is from the upped protein.. I am not on any sauce at all. Au natural.. I have cut out all liquids I am only drinking water and a cup of Black Coffee in the morning. Drinking a shit load of water. Lookin forward to the end result pics after your full cycle. Keep me posted.. Looking good!!!
yeah man looking good bro, aand at 49 shit fantastic, keep us updated!

Dude - thanks for the encouragement - ATM i think next year will be even better!

THink the bloat is from the upped protein.. I am not on any sauce at all. Au natural.. I have cut out all liquids I am only drinking water and a cup of Black Coffee in the morning. Drinking a shit load of water. Lookin forward to the end result pics after your full cycle. Keep me posted.. Looking good!!!

Yeah everything is upped except fat - +1300 cals a day - Yipes. i'm workin out like a mofo so hopingh t won't turn to jelly - all solid muscle! (just like in the mags!!!) Whoa - diet sounds good man - real clean - you must be feelin pretty good about that! if you want a funny read about some poor bastard who doesn't know when to stop - read my button thread today! LMFAO!