least amont of dbol


New member
what is the least amount of mgs i can take a day and for how long should i take tham, i am not looking to be muscle bound i just want to build some muscle and strength. oh my body weight is 205 if that means anything.
Good question...i was wondering myself for me.
Thats all i got left
5-10" 220 37 years young
5th cycle and ready for number 6

to stonecolds question i am 6"2 205 lbs. 35 years old and have never done a cycle before i have been using creatine for the last 3 months along with 1-ad, andro popers and aminos and have had little results with my size but my strength has gone up alot.
Re: stats

lightweight said:
to stonecolds question i am 6"2 205 lbs. 35 years old and have never done a cycle before i have been using creatine for the last 3 months along with 1-ad, andro popers and aminos and have had little results with my size but my strength has gone up alot.

Well.....for a first cycle, how about you do Test Enanthate or Cypionate @ 400 mg/week for 8-10 weeks.

I would save the D-Bol for another cycle down the road.
Just so you people know, that want to do Dianabol only cycles - you will loose a portion of your gains when you discontinue medication. You need something to solidify it like a longer acting testosterone.
at least 20mg ed and take it with nolvadex or arimidex so water loss is not as dramatic when you come off
I did 20mg day for 4 weeks for my first 'cycle' and put on 20 pounds. Lost it all too, haha. There isn't really a minimum dose, only an effective dose. Below effective you really won't notice it, above effective and you'll blow up like a balloon. I think anavar or winnie would be more what you are looking for, if you don't want to waste your money and time and liver health. But those pale in comparison to a good first cycle of test or even EQ, and I wish I had known that before I started. I think you would be real pleased with a winnie\eq cycle if you are looking for moderate lean gains in strength, endurance and a little size. Dbol is kind of absurd unless you want to get big.
The dbol will give you strength quickly, but you will loose most or all if you take it alone. Go with 500mg eth for 8 weeks and 30mg of dbol ed for 4 weeks. You will be alot happier with this.