Least amount of carb is best after humalog?


New member
Hello, I've been running humalog cycles for many cycles (8) , and I know I can get away with very little carbs after shooting. For 10iu of humalog i can get away with maybe less then 30g but i normally keep it higher.
From what I've been hearing and reading, it seems that people seem to be trying to take the least amount of carbs possible just enough to not go hypo, so i was wondering if it's best to minimize carbs for the 4 hrs when the slin is active or take 7g of dextrose per iu of humalog within 15 min after injecting and wait an hour and have 100g of low gi carbs (ex brown rice, i can get away with 0 carbs on this meal and not go hypo) with my chicken (~60g carbs... right after shooting is 50g whey isolate(0 fat)+10g creatine+10g glutamine) also i'm cruising right now at dosage of 400g/week test, do you think it's a good idea to take slin while just cruising?
last q is whether it's a good idea to take slin without t3 or if clen or eca is good enough

hoping to gain lean mass
(hate fat gains..)
and stat is 5 f 8in 220 lbs 6% bf
i compete in mma, powerlifting, and bodybuilding, and again my goal is to lean bulk

thank you all in advance, and any help from you brothers would be awsome:)

(sorry for poor english)
o and plus i am planning on running slin year round 4 weeks on 4weeks off style (6 times a week of 10iu post workout) does this sound like a reasonable plan? thanks :)
Sounds like a good plan but why not up those carbs? you're gaining weight anyways...

I was throwing in 2 scoops of dextrose in my 70g isolate shakes to have after my slin shot...
worked great.. didnt have fat gains. or that i noticed. everything grew.

Just wondering WHY u want to hold on the carbs... PWO they are used so much differently that it wont matter IMO
thank you for replying sir!
the reason i questioned whether taking least amount of carbs possible was because i've noticecd that a lot of people tried to keep the carbs as low as possible till the point they were barely eating enough carbs to got feel early symptoms of hypo... i wanted to know (still want to know) whether least of amount of carbs, if u can handle it is best to keep fat gains minimum while effectively getting the use out of slin :)
plus+ if so, then it might just be that much more useful during cutting phase :)

Sounds like a good plan but why not up those carbs? you're gaining weight anyways...

I was throwing in 2 scoops of dextrose in my 70g isolate shakes to have after my slin shot...
worked great.. didnt have fat gains. or that i noticed. everything grew.

Just wondering WHY u want to hold on the carbs... PWO they are used so much differently that it wont matter IMO