Left pec is bigger than my right

Keep working out, change up your lifts from time to time and make sure your stretching both sides fully before and after your lifting. It'll catch up bro.
I would suggest switching to dumbells when training your chest (i.e. flyes, DB becnch press, inclines, etc.). This will encourage the other one to grow and balance with the other pec, b/c dumbells are more challenging and force each pec to work individually. I'm not saying to completely throw out the barbell, but try this out for several weeks and see what it does.

What Rez means by 'stretching' is that for example, when you're doing a dumbell flye, at the bottom of the movement when your arms are almost parallel to your head, it's best to emphasize on stretching your pecs along with that movement. When your arms go up, focus all of you attention on your pecs and squeeze them as hard as you can. When working the chest, a lot of people tend to work their shoulders instead, which defeats the purpose. My rule of thumb is to temporarily transport your brain and focus into the muscle that you want to work. That way, you'll really be focusing on blasting that muscle and evening-out those pecs.

And one more thing: I agree, it is fun to go heavy and show-off in the gym, but if you're the type of dude who goes heavy all the time, try lightening up the weight a bit. Make sure your form is PERFECT, and pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, you will see results, my friend :)
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yea genetics is what i was thinking or somthing because ive always used dumbell bench press also with barbell bench... on chest day i usually do 3 sets of incline and flat barbell and 3 sets of incline and flat dumbell...ill try stretching tho

they look the same size from the front but from the side you can tell my left one is fuller and thicker
whats scolio ?
and yea i know i have to have a lil gyno under my nipple because theyre puffy but it only goes that far... just my nipples and no further... i just noticed my outer side of my chest is thicker on my left pec... or is it normal to have a little bit bigger side ?
Keep getting bigger and don't worry about it. I guarantee no one else notices it.

I would blame it on genetics.
B bOy CrAyOn said:
whats scolio ?
and yea i know i have to have a lil gyno under my nipple because theyre puffy but it only goes that far... just my nipples and no further... i just noticed my outer side of my chest is thicker on my left pec... or is it normal to have a little bit bigger side ?
Scolio = scoliosis which is a curving of the spine. This is an extreme example:
As you get bigger, it'll be less noticable. I have a slight case of scoliosis and no one noticed after I put on about 40 lbs. The "gyno" you're referring to may just be you holding a little fat there instead of actual gyno though.
i thought for the longest time it was maybe just a little fat but as far as i can tell im pretty sure its gyno.. im no expert or anything but their is a little hard lump under my nipple and my nipples are very tender and sensetive now.. any little pressure on em and it hurts like a sonofabitch
B bOy CrAyOn said:
i thought for the longest time it was maybe just a little fat but as far as i can tell im pretty sure its gyno.. im no expert or anything but their is a little hard lump under my nipple and my nipples are very tender and sensetive now.. any little pressure on em and it hurts like a sonofabitch
It sounds like you've got it :(.

B bOy CrAyOn said:
as far as scolio ive never been diagnosed with it ever and i stand up straight just fine
Unless it's really bad (like the picture I posted earlier), you wouldn't know if you have it. Even if you can stand straight with no problems, you may still have it. I was diagnosed with a slight case (no surgery needed) when I went to an Orthopedic (one side of my chest was bigger than the other just like you described). Like I said before though, gain about 40 lbs and no one (not even you) will notice ;). The usual diagnosis of scoliosis comes from having a chest/back x-ray or standing in front of a posture chart.
B bOy CrAyOn said:
what should i do if my left pec muscle is growing bigger than my right ?
or do i just have to live with it

When you stand straight up and look in the mirror relaxed is one shoulder higher that the other? If that is the case you upper spine is out of alingment and that will cause one pec or shoulder to develope more than the other. If that is the case you need to strech you pecs.