Legal AI to take with Test Cyp


New member
Im new and forgive me if Im asking this in the wrong forum. I was wondering if theres a legal supplement to take with teest cyp so I dont get gyno. ANy help?
Are you a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) patient?
If so your Dr should be prescribing it...
But RUI sells liqidex...the red lion advertisement right above the forum.pages is the link.
Bro, you're already taking an illegal substance, so why do you insist on going the legal route for an AI?
lol thanks for the tips. I ordered some the other way and it never made it to me. I just want the quickest easiest Aromatase inhibitor (AI) now. If there was a quick easy guaranteed way I would definitely do that. I just have had some bad luck.
lol thanks for the tips. Ive tried the other way and it never made it to me. I just want the quickest and easiest at this point, providing it works as well.
For things like test only use research products not OTC.

Pills are great because they are more portable and less measuring so I would recommend you get your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) in pills (again research ones)

For OTC Aromatase inhibitor (AI) I would only recommend to use them when you are using products like DAA or something in that field...maybe during PCT but no while ON cycle or ON test. The best two Aromatase inhibitor (AI) products IMHO are Erase and Erase Pro...erase pro is expensive but hella strong.
Formestane works great for me. I like Black Lion's Formeron, Mr. Supps has one called Forma Stanzol that is excellent, too. And Nutraplanet has a formestane product called Formasurge that is the cheapest of the 3. Haven't tried it yet, though. They are all legal and the first two I mentioned work great! Plus, they can be used in PCT as well.
Do you need an AI? If you're on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), you should be getting hormone panels pulled so you know how your therapy is working. Estradiol should most certainly be included in that panel. If you find that your E2 is elevated, and/or you feel like crap (bloating/sluggish/acne/breast tenderness), your doctor should be your first option.

If your doc is uncomfortable (read: retarded) with prescribing an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), you can try DIM (Austinite swears by it) if you have a mild elevation. Otherwise, go with what Frank recommends. I've been using RUI's products for well over a year and have had nothing but positive results.

My .02c :)
The best over the counter Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is without doubt forma stanzol from mr

Forma-stanzol is formestane which is very similar aromasin (exemestane), both are suicidal Ai's and very effective in pct also, think of formastanzol as a topical aromasin. Formestane was a proper medical product that was discontinued and is currently available through a loophole scenario so take full advantage my friend ;)