legal d-bol??????


New member
hey, need your help. i am a 31 year old male. 185lbs ,5-11. I have worked out a lot for the past 10 years on and off and have been working out hard for the past 6 months. i have used numerous supplements the last being NO2. I did get some gains with this product but not worth the price. I am looking at the legal d-bol or the winnie-v. then there is the stuff that jeff summers is pushing. deragain, etc. do any of these work or do i need to forget them???? your help would be great
wanttogain said:
hey, need your help. i am a 31 year old male. 185lbs ,5-11. I have worked out a lot for the past 10 years on and off and have been working out hard for the past 6 months. i have used numerous supplements the last being NO2. I did get some gains with this product but not worth the price. I am looking at the legal d-bol or the winnie-v. then there is the stuff that jeff summers is pushing. deragain, etc. do any of these work or do i need to forget them???? your help would be great

there is no such thing as legal dbol (meaning actuall dbol, methandrostenolone).

jeff summers is a joke and a pole smoker. forget his shit.

if u want a good pro hormone stack, do 1-ad and boldione. i put on 17lbs with this stuff
thanks for all the advice. you guys are a big help. i think you have me turned off on the whole jeff summers product line and the legal d-bol junk.
now, what about the products from super one+,one+,one beta or the 1 ad. which will work best to add some mass.
wanttogain said:
thanks for all the advice. you guys are a big help. i think you have me turned off on the whole jeff summers product line and the legal d-bol junk.
now, what about the products from super one+,one+,one beta or the 1 ad. which will work best to add some mass. is a good place.

go with the super 1+ for topical

if u want a good oral stack, do boldione and 1-ad.
Yeah man I had the same problem I couldnt find any supplements that would put weight on. I was 5'7" at 137 lbs and pretty strong. Well, I experimented stacking Cell-Tech with Animal Stack (pro-hormone). Right now I'm on my 8th week of Cell-Tech and Animal Stack is 3 on 1 off. Now I weigh 157, my strength and size has gone up tremendously. My g/f cant keep her hands off me...hehe. I also take in about 3000 cals a day and about 200 grams of protein. Cell-Tech is high in sugar and gives you mad energy but also puts on a little water weight but the Animal Stack shreds it off along with a little extra cardio. I get Animal Stack from because it saves me about 1/3 the retail price. Best of Luck bro.
As a rule of thumb: dont trust (maybe not that far, but be very leery) companies that name their supplements after actual AAS. As for ONE+ and superone+, many people have reported good gains with those and Mike from 1fast400 is greatly known for his good customer service. However, I've been looking at trying BDC nutritions products as they are a lot cheaper. Good luck!

P.S. Stay away from Cell-Tech!
Don't fall for this cheap marketing ploy. The registered the name DBOL so they can legally sell it. It's just prohormones. Stick to the real stuff. And the real stuff is cheaper too.