true, but is there anyone out there trying to legalize steroids, an organization someone in congress? what can be done to stop the prosecution, beside going hrt.does anyone know.
rick collins is probably one of the best lawyers when it comes to this subject.
If anyone is trying to organize something for congress he would be involved.
but remember, when AAS were first made illegal, the DEA (yes, the DEA), AMA, and every other medical and legal organization was AGAINST it. They all wanted AAS to remain legal for two reasons:
1. there is no physical addiction
2. making AAS illegal would create a HUGE black market. Which is EXACTLY what happened.
So congress was presented with all the facts, (the right facts). They decided to act "unilaterally", and go againse the counsel of experts, medical dr's, lawyers, legal professionals, narcotic experts to name a few.
AAS being illegal is a very deep issue.
Think about our society. We live in a "feminine world".
The more masculine you are, the more you are looked down on in our pop culture.
Ask this question to someone:
Why is it that plastic surgery is acceptable, but taking AAS or any substance that improves your masculinity (muscle, strength) is taboo.
FAR more people tragically die DURING plastic surgery each year, and many more die during other types of surgeries.
(while in the DIRECT presence of at least 1 surgeon and an anesthesiologist)
No one dies from steroids alone. and most AAS users self medicate, no dr, no one to help.
Its not the HEALTH RISKS that has caused our society to fear AAS. It's the fact that our society is AFRAID of masculinity.
Look at the majority of sitcoms.
the man is a dumbshit loser who is always fucking up
the woman is smart makes fun of her husband and holds the family together.
the wife is usually way hotter than her FAT FUCK husband, and they usually live WAY beyond the characters means.
When a man wants to improve himself with AAS he is a criminal
when a woman wants to have invasive, risky, dangerous surgery so she can have larger breasts "which inhibit physical functionality in life" it's 100% ok, unless she has 10 in 1 day, but even that is 100% legal.
I believe there is something wrong with this whole de-masculinization that has occurred in our culture.