Legal Type question on Nude Cell Pic

fuck this shit --girls can be evil so get rid of it--
but show all the pervs first--------i won't look

If we get rid of women men will have to be with men now think of that ewww oh my

cant live with them, deffo cant live without them

But in a Hermaroid hitmans case it may be different
bro, given the current situation everyone is in right now with the economy and all the other shit going on... I HIGHLY doubt that this chick is going to spend the money and go through all the civil bullshit required to go to court over such a non sense matter. IMO it just doesn't seem logical.. I believe she is just threatening you because of your actions.. just stop sending the pictures and delete it man.. the heat will die off once everyone forgets about it
Denzel on Training Day: "It's not what you know, its what you can prove"

Judge can be suspicious all he wants, no evidence = no case. Hearsay isn't enough to convict you of anything. I mean, i don't actually know, I'm not a lawyer :)